A fun Star Wars, Clone Wars, or Jedi Academy game or activities for kids that’s cheap, easy, and fun to play. You’ll only need 2 spoons, hard boiled eggs, and kids to play the game. It’s my version of the ‘egg and spoon’ relay race game.
Don’t Drop The Droid ~ Star Wars Birthday Game
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
7-9 |
Child |
Activity or Game
Party Games |
Author's Blog:
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You Will Need...
- 2 spoons
- hard boiled brown eggs
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Hard boil brown eggs.
Step 2
Draw Star Wars Clone Wars droid faces onto each egg.
Step 3
Goal of the Game: Play it like the “Egg and Spoon Relay Race Game”. Can you keep an egg balanced in a spoon while you walk ten feet?
Step 4
How to Play: Split the kids into 2 teams. Put two light saber 10 feet away to mark the when to turn around and go back to their team. {one for each team}
The first person in each line gets an egg and a spoon. Carefully walk to the light sabre and back without dropping the egg and without using your hands. Then transfer the egg to the next person in line. The team who finishes first, wins.

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