Welcome to Tip Junkie
Hi, I’m Laurie {aka the Tip Junkie} and every day you’ll be inspired with creative projects, craft DIY ideas, and homemade tutorials. From home decor, entertaining, birthday parties, gift ideas, giveaways, Mom-preneur products, and more!
Crafty DIY Ideas, Creative Homemade Tutorials, and Tips
I’m all about the “little guy” or girl in this case. {{wink}} I want to promote women who normally wouldn’t have the opportunity. I want to tell the world about woman-owned products who don’t know how to market them on their own. I want to give each woman an opportunity to be featured, to share their voice, be heard, and validated.
Where to get started:
If you’d like these creative projects and DIY projects, then you’ll love what I feature every day. Subscribe to Tip Junkie and get the most creative ideas sent to you via e-mail. It’s easy!
P.S. Be sure to grab a copy of my free eBook: Memories that Endure are Moments that Matter with a bonus gift of Girls Night Out printables.
Why did I start Tip Junkie?
I created Tip Junkie for all of the above reasons and because my mother is one of the most creative and talented women I know. She can paint a mural, sew a wedding dress, and decorate the most amazing cakes. However, growing up she couldn’t charge people for her talents even when we needed the money desperately.
Therefore, I wanted to create a space where women could set a fee for their products and services and I would do all the marketing for them! Great idea, right?!? I thought so too. After a few months of creating ExecutiveHomemaker.com I realize that I was building Etsy.com. {bwaahaa!!} I was so relieved because it was a TON of work. So with the new found confidence that women were taken care of ~ I switched my efforts to online marketing and creating an online community where women could be celebrated for their handmade creations.
I used the cartoon version of the Tip Junkie girl because I don’t have a daughter of my own. My three boys are amazing, and crazy, and keep me on my toes. However, I needed a daily creative outlet where I could do all the girly-girl things that my soul aches for. If you’re interested, you can read more about my journey in my free ebook Memories that Endure are Moments that Matter.
About Laurie Turk
Laurie Turk is a creative soul who has a passion for embellishing life. She lives in Dallas, is a mom to 3 boys, cruise director for her family, and all around girly-girl. Her focus is to create moments that matter for herself, her man, and her children.
She launched Executive Homemaker in 2006 which has over 600 printables for busy moms. Which she later re-branded as Tip Junkie Printables. Laurie loves to promote creative women through their fabulous ideas and products with Tip Junkie that features the best tips and tricks from everyday women.
To meet the need of affordable advertising for Mom-prenuers she co-founded Chic Chick Media and Buy Mom Made.com.
Laurie’s Speaking Engagements:
SITScation ’09- Create Your Own Blogging Experience
BlissDom ’10 – Connecting Your Community of Readers
Bloggy Boot Camp – Phoenix ’10 – Mom-preneur Track
EVO ’10 – The Evolution of Community
The Creative Connection Event ’10 – Social Media Correspondent
Bloggy Boot Camp – Austin ’10 – Bloggers Tool Kit
Laurie’s Interviews:
ShePosts – About Being a Mom-prenuer
Girlfriendology – MomTV Blogcast
iLash Girls – Celebrate Interview
Mom Casting Video – A new reality TV show about mom bloggers is in the works and this is Laurie’s video submission.
Sweet Mentions in the Blogosphere:
Learning from the Blog Divas
Monday’s Maven
Mayhem & Moxie
Hi Laurie! Thank you so much for this creative and inspiring blog! I love to read all the ideas that other bloggers share through you! I applaud all your efforts to enrich all our lives with such creative fun!
PS- I’m loving the 20 days of giveaways! {{wink wink}} 🙂
You are so beautiful in every way. Thanks for getting me hooked!!!
I think your blog is great!
I love your blog (TipJunkie) and your personal one. I have only just begun blogging, so as soon as I am up and running more smoothly I will have some things to send your way. Thank you for doing what you do and allowing us all to partcipate. The giveaway is awesome and a great way to promote those who deserve it. Have a great weekend 🙂
Laurie…you’re beautiful, amazing, talented, selfless…all rolled up into one! I’m so impressed at your efforts to help promote ideas and products that help us ‘become’ and ‘be’ better women. So Thank You! My girlfriend met you at blogapalooza…I was at WC, and a little jealous I didn’t get to meet ‘THE’ tip junkie! Thank you for your dedication.