Allison, one of my favorite daily reads, posted a blogging tip a while ago on how to add your signature automatically. If you’re looking for just a signature, follow her instructions. They’re simple and easy to follow.
If you want your signature to be a link – like to your own Executive Homemaker store, for example. First make your using Allison’s tutorial and then follow these instructions:
For Blogger, edit your Layout and click the Settings and then Formatting tab. Scroll down to the bottom where you’ll find Post Template.
Type in the code above. You’ll need to copy/paste the link of your store, and then the direct link of the picture from Photobucket (or what ever website you used).
This is what it will look like! (see below)
Theresa Merkling says
Thank you SO much for this fabulous tip! I’ve given it a go… appreciate your help and kind sharing!
Robyn says
I have missed popping in here! What a lovely post! Come by and visit when you can! Lot’s of hugs!
Poli says
This was a nice and useful tip, thank you! I’ll have to work on my signature and make it automatic;)
Pink Lemonade Liz says
I’ve always found it a pain to copy & paste my signature into every post – thanks for the timesaver!
Allison says
Thanks for the hook-up Laurie…love your creative signature!