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St. Patrick’s Day is such a fun holiday to celebrate. Here’s a suggested schedule to accommodate both toddlers and children ages 3-6 years old.
Green Day Agenda
10:00 (Younger) * Color Leprechauns
(Older) * Play dough w/ cookie cutters
10:10 (Younger) * Color Shopping (get a basket & hide green things)
(Older) * Story & puzzle quiz
10:20 (Younger) * Hide n seek gold treasure
(Older) * Green Day Bingo
10:30 (All) * Read Green Eggs & Ham book
10:40 (Younger) * Balloons (draw faces on them)
(Older) * Green Memory Game
10:50 (All) * Snack
11:00 (All) * Give hats & cups to take home
Do ahead:
1. Xerox leprechaun finger puppets.
2. Make Play dough Hide green items (for color shopping).
3. Punch for Snack Green Day
4. Invitations
List Materials:
1. Crayons
2. Green balloons
3. Candy for bingo
4. Green plates
5. Clear cups
6. Cookie cutters
Dont Forget:
1. Wear green clothes.
2. Take Pictures.
Other Activities:
Hide n seek leprechaun w/ gold Number leprechaun
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