Free Printable File:
Babysitter Info Sheet (6161 downloads )
Tired of writing down the same information each time you have a babysitter? Use this sheet to write down all the important information your babysitter will need while you’re out. (Or make your own.) Print out your own babysitter information sheet via Executive Homemaker.
After your sitter leaves, file it in the Friends & Neighbors section of the Executive Homemaker Binder. You can also print out the entire Executive Homemaker organizational binder at once.
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I Googled “Baby sitter information sheet” and your blog came up. I’ll be back, no doubt about it!
This is a great blog. Thanks for stopping by my place and your kind words. I will definitely be back!
Wow! I came over here to thank you for leaving an encouraging comment on my blog, and this is amazing! You are so organized! I’m going to have to read through the whole thing, now!
I just got done scrolling and reading through a ton of this stuff- pretty cool! Now I need to go back and print a ton of the things that caught my eye. Awesome.