What to make for men this year for Christmas presents is no longer the question! Here are the best gift ideas to make for your adult son, boyfriend, husband, Dad, father-in-law, or significant other! These home made gifts are perfect for men and include pictured tutorials for a Moleskin notebook, spice rubs, cuff links, coasters, remote control caddy, hand printed mouse pad, shaving cream soap, and more.
As always, the Tip Junkie Homemade Gifts site has hundreds of pictured tutorials with free patterns for Homemade Gifts for men so you can always search there if youre looking for something specific. {wink}
Best Gift Ideas
1. DIY Decorated Moleskin ~ All you need to make this perfect-for-a-guy gift is a Moleskine note book, a small strip of leather (or felt or any other non-fraying material), a ruler and pencil, repositionable tape, glue and a sewing machine.
2. Typographic Character Coasters ~ Perfect for font lovers, these coasters are a great gift because they are functional AND unique!
3. DIY Car Kit ~ Celebrate how awesome Dad is by giving him a personalized kit of useful things to keep in the glove box or trunk of his car. You can personalize the case by creating an iron-on applique using either an intial, an image, or a Super Dad logo, which you can download and print from the blog site.
4. DIY Map Cuff Links ~ Custom map cufflinks like these will run you upward of $75 a pair if you buy them already made. But you can do this simple DIY for pennies on the dollar. Use cities with special meaning to personalize this gift.
5. Tool Kit Gift ~ Give dad a tool box that is a little less traditional. Inexpensive and cheesy cute, this gift is full of goodies and small gifts. You can print out the corresponding tags for each gift for free on the blog post.
6. DIY Catalog of Love ~ Inspired by library catalog cards, this homemade gift replaces book numbers with important dates the relationship, book titles with chapters of life together, and publisher locations with places that are important to the recipient. The best part? Memories can be added to the library card box.
7. Homemade Grill Rub Recipes ~ What man doesn’t like to grill up some scrumptious meat? This gift presents a nice assortment of homemade spices in lovely decorated cans. What’s not to love?
What to Make for Men
8. Laptop Cozy ~ If you are looking for a “snug” way to keep his laptop safe, this tutorial is perfect. It opens up to lie flat and is easy to make, plus it looks cute, too. It uses velcro closures, simple!
9. Remote Control Pocket Pillow ~ Looking for a great homemade gift for a guy this holiday season? Try making this simple and easy remote control pocket pillow, the perfect gifts for him.
10. Homemade Whipped Shaving Soap ~ This Christmas, offer Dad a good old-fashioned shave. This tutorial shows a great recipe on making your own shipped shaving cream, and the shelf-life of the cream is about a year, so its a gift he can continue to enjoy. How cool! Dont forget to include a little application brush.
11. Hand Printed Mouse Pad ~ This project is quick and easy and amazingly professional looking. It’s a great way to add something homemade to the workplace!
12. Firewood Tote ~ This firewood tote sews up super quick, and will make carrying wood to your fireplace a whole lot easier. It comes with a free downloadable PDF file so there’s no guess work involved. Fabulous!
13. Homemade PJ’s ~ This tutorial shows how to make PJ bottoms for the whole family, but you can start out with a pair for dad. I love the idea of picking out just the right fabric for him!
14. Bicycle Frame Lunch Bag ~ This is the perfect gift for the man who has everything and likes to cycle. Now he’ll be able to bring his lunch and not have to worry about a place to stash it while he’s riding.
15. Leather Cuff Watch ~ This is made using re-used suede leather. Great for the boys and men in your life. Plus, its an affordable way to beef-up inexpensive watch. Perfect if you are giving him a watch, too! {wink}
Things to Make and Do:
- 40 Home Made Christmas Gift Ideas ~ For Men
- 32 Best Homemade Fathers Day Gifts
- 100 Homemade Gifts for men
Thanks Ladies. I just adore these homemade gift ideas! Feel free to grab my I was featured on Tip Junkie blog button. You earned it! {knuckle bumps}
Were continuing our Christmas in July with more amazing pictured tutorials for homemade gifts, DIY decorating, free printables, and recipes.
- Homemade Gifts Under $10
- Gifts Kids Can Make
- Thoughtful Home Made Gift Ideas
- Homemade Gift Tutorials for the Person who has Everything
If you love these homemade tutorials then youll find a THOUSAND more just as creative over on the Tip Junkie Christmas and Homemade Gifts site!
Also, dont forget to check out the Tip Junkie Facebook page for even more crafts, activities for kids, creative ideas, and free tutorials. It’s a great place to ask questions on how to make things or for specific tutorials that you are looking for. I’ll be happy to find them for ya!
Creating Memories that Endure,
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Silly, and Crazy Mens Christmas Socks make a great gift for any male friend, your Father, your Husband or boyfriend, or even your children. Get them a toy, but for all the other Men in your life, get them some warm, fuzzy, crazy, funny ugly Christmas socks!
Thanks for the great selection! Some would be great for groomsmen’s gifts.