So Aubrey from Blessings and Bows and Kincade Kitchen the 14th giveaway sponsor in our 20+ Day Giveaway and I wanted to spotlight some amazing ideas she’s blogged about. This girls got style!
Take a look at this amazing Ice cream Sandwich Cake. Yummy!!
This is the most beautiful water I’ve ever seen. It’s Fruit Infused Water.
I’m loving these Paris tags. I think it’s about time I make a ton of cute gift tags to spice up my gifts this year. I think I found just the inspiration.
Speaking of gift giving – look at these packages! Elegant.
WOW! Thanks for the eye candy for the day, Aubrey. Gorgeous! I’m anxious to make everything on this list myself!
I love the gift boxes, what a beautiful idea. So classy!
Everything looks so pretty!
I’ve heard about that cake before, and it looks divine!! Need to try that one soon!
And those labels are SO cute!