For this weeks Blogging 101, Im going to be talking about something a little different! I am going to answer one of the first questions Laurie mentioned receiving when we first started talking about this blogging series.
Q: What are the most important elements on a blog? Are there things I shouldn’t do? How can I make my blog visually appealing to readers without going overboard?
A: These are important questions to consider if youre trying to attract new readers or really just build a blog that you can be proud of. As a designer, Ive spent many hours viewing, reading, and designing blogs. Ive certainly formed my own opinions about what makes a great blog, but I thought Id broaden my perspective by reaching out and asking other bloggers for their opinions. I hopped over to BlogFrog and posed this question to readers.
It turns out that a lot of people, including myself, have similar opinions. I think this is important to note because while one persons opinion isnt always critical, the shared opinion of many might be worth considering. So here are a few blogging dos and donts for you to think about…
1) One of the complaints I hear most often from blog readers has to do with automatic music players. While readers dont mind having the option to play a few songs, they do not want to hear the music start playing the minute they open a blog. For me personally, if I open a blog where music immediately starts playing, I will quickly close out of the blog without ever reading a post.
2) Another dont that was mentioned quite often was having a blog that is extremely cluttered. Having sidebars filled with numerous ads, buttons, and other widgets is often distracting to readers. Consider which things are really important to you and leave those on the sidebars while removing some of the unnecessary extras.
3) Ive often heard people say that they will not read blogs with a black posting areaeven if the text is written in white. Similarly, readers are often turned off by fonts and colors that are hard to read. Pay careful attention to how your writing appears on your blog. Afterall, your posts are inevitably what your followers are there to read.
4) Finally, although it may seem obvious, many bloggers mentioned that they are immediately turned off by vulgar or offensive blogs. While honesty and authenticity are important, make sure to keep readers in mind.
1) My personal favorite do has to do with the design of a blog. 🙂 Readers are drawn to your design. Make sure that your blog design portrays who you are and what your blog is about. Even before someone reads a post, they see your design. Think of it as a first impression. While you have the choice to hire a designer or create something yourself, take time to make your space on the internet truly yours.
2) A do that is often overlooked is including pictures in your blog posts. Pictures are not only a great way to enhance your writing and tell a story, but they also serve as a great way to break up your postsmaking them easier to read.
3) The most important do is simply to have good content. This is almost always the first thing someone mentions when discussing what draws them to a blog. Your content is ultimately what will keep readers coming back. Be yourself, be friendly, and just write!
I hope you have found some of these blogging dos and donts useful. While I think it is important to consider your readers and what makes a great blog, remember that ultimately its YOUR blog. If youre true to that, you will succeed.
Do you have a question you want me to answer? Leave a comment! 🙂
P.S. If youre looking for ways to promote your blog, check out 31 Days to a Better Blog over on the SITSgirls Community.
I’m on the hunt for a new design (and designer) so the timing of this is perfect — all great things for me to keep in mind!
As with so many others, I too hate the automatic music. I have learned alot through this series of posts. I would like to know your opinion on replying to bloggers who comment on your post. I like to reply to all and I feel bad if someone doesn’t reply to me! Is there a blog etiquette issue here?
So helpful! Thank you so much for sharing! Iam in the middle of working with a designer on my blog…it feels good to know that we are moving in the right direction with my blog…esp after reading this post 🙂
I agree with all you said, especially about the music players, I can’t turn them off fast enough!!
I can’t stand automatic music players!! I don’t care what the song is even…I just find it super annoying. I generally just shut that window if that happens.