If you are anything like me, time is a very valuable commodity in your life. Something that you probably always need more of. More time to sleep, more time to blog, more time to spend with the kids…it never ends.
That’s why, when it comes to figuring what you need to be reading in blogland, the task can become very overwhelming, very fast. What are the posts you need to be familiar with in order to grow your audience and drive more page views to your site?
What you need is a road map, and The SITS Girls and I, are here today to give you one.
Here are the top 10 posts that every blogger should read. The topics that we selected cover a broad range, everything from how to monetize, niches, Twitter, and beyond. What is great about the list we’ve compiled is that it gives you the basic tools and information you need to be a more well-rounded and informed blogger.
How to Write An Article in 20 Minutes: Copyblogger
Remember how we said that time is a precious commodity? Copyblogger agrees! If you are looking to become a more efficient writer, read this post. It provides the tips you need to write well in a short amount of time.
Want to Blog Like a Micro-Celebrity? Tip Junkie
As the reigning queen of helpful tips, Laurie’s site is filled to the brim with insight that will make you a better blogger. And what is one of her top pieces of advice? Go to a blog conference and start networking in person! Not only will this help you better connect with other members of the online community, but you’ll be amazed at how inspired and energized you’ll feel.
Why Twitter Auto DMs Are Evil (And What You Should Do Instead): Mom Comm
Sometimes, in our effort to save time, we tend to over-automate our social media streams. As tempting as this is, resist! Otherwise, you may end up simply alienating your audience. Read this post from Melissa at Mom Comm and learn other, more effective ways to engage your audience on Twitter.
A Better Blog for 2011: Scary Mommy
How did those New Year’s Resolutions for 2011 work out for you? Did you lose the weight? Get better organized? I know I didn’t, BUT I did improve our blog. Check out Scary Mommy for her list of what to do to whip your blog into shape.
Tutorial Time: WordPress vs. Blogger: Mama’s Losin’ It
Yes, it’s the great debate. Should you host your blog on WordPress or Blogger? Mama Kat carefully examines both sides of the argument and gives you the information you need to make a decision that’s right for you.
How to Write a Pitch That Works: Successful Blogging
Are you interested in making money online and working with brands? If the answer is yes, then you should know that there is a right way and a wrong way to approach companies. Read this post from Annabel Candy and learn how to write an effective e-mail pitch that gets results.
How to Blog Without a Niche: Tree, Root & Twig
With all this talk about niches, it is easy to feel left out of the crowd. What if you are not a food, fashion, health, green, or tech blogger? Is there a place for you in the social media space? Then answer is definitely yes, and Stacey helps you understand how you can be a successful, niche-less blogger.
Tricks to Making Blogging…Better: Seven Clown Circus
Every blogger has secrets to their success, but few will share them as openly as Angie does in this post. Check out which HTML tricks she has used to become the blogging superstar that she is.
And finally, The SITS Girls. {You didn’t think I’d end this list without a little shout-out, did you?}
Our site is chalk full of tips and ideas on how to make you a better blogger. In addition, we routinely run free on-line classes that allow our community to come together and improve their blogs as a group. It is so incredibly rewarding to be a part of! Take, for example, our Problogger Summer Challenge was are running currently. Close to 600 (!?!) women are working in tandem to learn more about blogging and provide the feedback and comment support we all want.
Interested? You can learn more here.
Now, get reading! The world of blogging is yours to conquer. Go make us proud.
{knuckle bump!}
How To Blog Tips:
- Ways to Improve Your Blog: {A Challenge}
- Enhancing Your Website With Fonts
- Best Blog Layout Tips & Design {5 blog tips}
- Choosing Effective Color Palette For Your Blog
Francesca is 1/3 of the SITS team and thrilled to be here! She’s a mom to three children, ages 5, 3 and a just a few months old. Since starting her personal blog, Francesca has received multiple awards, including recognition by Nielsen Online as one of the Top 50 Power Moms. Her interest in marketing prompted her to earn her MBA in the field and launch her own consulting company, Social Girl Media. In 2010, Francesca joined Tiffany as a partner on both SITS and Bloggy Boot Camp. Prior to joining the on-line world, Francesca studied Viticulture & Enology at UC Davis, worked at various wineries in both California and Italy, and was employed for many years at the biotech company, Genentech.
Thanks for the shout out Francesca. That post about how to write a pitch is one of my most popular. Which all goes to prove another theory of mine about blogging – you never really know what people will love (or not love!) until you actually post it:)
Laurie I want to hit the “LIKE” button like a million times!!!! All superb tips. Been reading for over 2 hours now. Come on by my blog as I have now added a facebookpage and the ole “like” button below my posts all because of you. 🙂
Such wonderful info.Thank you for putting it together! Our site has some great info on setting up word press and everything else inbetween.
May be it could help someone?
Francesca, you never fail to rock my bloggin’ socks! Thanks for all the great reads, I’m bookmarking right now! 🙂
This is so great!! Thank you so much for putting this all together!! 🙂 Can I be a TOTAL shmoooozer and say that I was BRAGGING just yesterday, AGAIN, about the first time YOU left a comment on my blog!! I squealed so loud you probably heard me all the way from AZ 🙂