Over the weekend I attended two different blogging parties and had such an amazing time getting to meet the women I read about daily. At both parties we discussed blogging tips and how to’s.
Since this is such a important topic, I decided to share some of the tips we discussed. Here goes:
1. Allison over at the fabulous blog ‘Stampin’When I Can’ posted this great blogging tip: How to add your e-mail link in a post.
2. How to add a button with a link to sidebar: Add image link code in a Html page element like this (above) and replace the CAPS.
3. How to make a word a link: The easiest way to do it is first copy and paste what link you want to use, next go back to your post and highlight the word, then click the link button (see arrow above) and lastly paste the link into the window.
You can also do it manually in the html code above, replace the CAPS.
4. How to personalize your comment window: Go to Settings then click on Comments tab. Scroll down until you see the ‘Comment Form Message’. Type in your message and it will look like this:
I hope you find these helpful and stay tuned, there’s more Blogging tips to come!
great run down blog tutorials!
thank you, thank you! your post is going to be a great reference page for me for a while!!!
I love the ideas of blogging tips. I have learned so much from your post! I have created a blog design blog and have been compiling a list of blog templates and designers on a specific blog as well. I love the idea of being able to change my blog look and feel, but lack the know how to do it. So love love the ideas!!!
I had no idea I could add a message to the comment area, very cool!
Thanks for the shout-out Laurie! I have recently cleaned up my blog and have a label entitled Blogging Tips with other things I have encountered over the past couple of years. Most of my entries are answers to reader questions…these posts save me the trouble of having to re-write them again and again!
Your blog is quite the service…great job! And I love your blog design (I don’t always get to visit since I have you in my reader!). Cheers!