I’m sure many of you have been seeing the “Visit Our Peeps!” widget on the sidebar of some pretty amazing blogs.
It’s an advertising co-op designed to promote YOUR BLOG or site! We have designed a one-of-a-kind Text Link Widget to make it easy for you to get the word out about your blog/products/site. We love to empower women and here’s an affordable way to do it.
Click here to get all the details, but basically we already have the widget on 327 women’s blogs! Including:
Tip Junkie
Today’s Creative Blog
Skip to My Lou
Blogging Basics 101
The Organizing Junkie
Go Graham Go
A Tad Bit Prudish
30 Handmade Days
The Diary of a PoshPreneur
Mommy’s Idea
These are just to name a few, so you’re already set up to succeed!
Every month we are not only adding new blogs the widget is displayed on, but also new features.
* You can add/edit/change your image and text for your ad at any time. Doing this periodically will help keep your text ad fresh and help encourage people to click on your ad.
* Now you can display as many categories on your “Visit Our Peeps” widget as you would like on your blog. It will still only show 3 at a time, but rotate through all your chosen categories as your page is refreshed.
* Want to see everyone who is participating in the widget? Then you’ll love our new portfolio page. It’s a bloggers paradise as you’ll be able to click on all the links that interest you listed in their corresponding category.
Every month we will be featuring one lucky person who had the Chic Chick Media widget on their blog. March was so crazy it looks like I forgot, so today I’m featuring Reinvented.
Kimm over at Reinvented has repuposed and beautified trash in the the most amazing treasure! She gives you tips and tutorials on how you can do it to!
Kimm has proudly displayed the Tip Junkie Mom-preneur button and the Tip Junkie button on her side bar. Thanks Kimm for the link love!
April Peep:
in April, Jennifer from PixiSette joined the Chic Chick Media network. She designs some of the coolest jewelry and has recently launched her new Spring line!
Head on over to Chic Chick Media to learn how your text link can be on over 300 blogs and market yourself on a next-to-nothing budget, only $5.95 a month!
Do you like this post? Then favorite it by clicking on these hearts.
I have the widget! I got it as soon as I heard about it on Today’s Creative Blog.
It works twice/both ways for me… whenever somebody clicks over to my page through somebody else’s I always go over to the blog they came from to see what made them come to mine. And it’s often that they have the Chic Chick Widget. So then I just browse thier blog while I’m there! 😀
I love accessories, and these really look great for summer. Your post just reminded me that there are so many stuff here that I can make into something pretty and useful. It has been quite long since I have last made crafts. Thanks for inspiring me.
I must say that the Chic Chick Media widget has been doing great for my site! Thank you for coming up with this great resource!
Yes, I have seen this. Not sure about it though.
Delighted to have found your blog…I am now a follower!
Nice ideas 🙂