As a blogger, you are creating original content, which you want tons of people to read, and my step-by-step guide to get paid for your content shows you how. In the next few months I’m inviting real bloggers who have studied my my workshop, Mom Blog to Money Blog to share their honest, unbiased opinions about the workshop, and you can see for yourself if it’s worth it to shell out the cash.
Mom Blog to Money Blog Review ~ Day 22
I can not tell you how many times a day I get asked questions on how to make money with a blog. It breaks my heart that I can’t clone myself to give everyone a one-on-one consultation or respond to every email or notification I receive. Therefore, I sat down for 4 weeks and wrote everything I know about blogging in this course, Mom Blog to Money Blog.
It’s an online workshop with a one-time membership fee, which is a one year membership, no strings attached, and no hidden fees. It’s straight from my heart spilling all my secrets, with 16 printable checklists, and 21 how-to video’s. My hope was to make you feel like I was right there next to you and walking you through the process. {hugs}
So, are you ready to get paid for your talent and writing writing and bring home the bacon? Ill show you how. {{click the links for more info.}}
Day Twenty-two’s focus in the Mom Blog to Money Blog workshop zeros in on the theme that “your not alone, so create a support system!”. Creating a blogging alliance is really important! I always recommend that you surround yourself with women that love what you love and and are as good as the company that YOU keep. Do you have a blog tribe? If not, it’s time to get one. Today is all about a blogging support system, because it is vital!
My Time As A Mom ~ Review of Day 22
As a blogger, freelance writer and mom at My Time As a Mom, time is of the essence. Jessica has 2 kids, 2 dogs and an expensive jeans habit.
You can also find Jessica at One Martini at a Time, a site where they feature cocktail recipes, and she freelances over at Business 2 Blogger every Monday on anything related to blogging and social media. If thats not enough {{wink}} look for her at allParenting on the topics of social media and tech for parents. When shes not blogging she enjoys reading books that will not teach her anything, quilting, and taking naps.
“I learned that I should create a tribe of women with the same goals but different skills!”
I’ve always had trouble with blog tribes. I learned from Laurie that instead of creating a tribe based on friendships, I should be working on a tribe of people who have the same goals that I do but have different skills. This would help to keep the tribe serious as well as allow us to each use our own skills to help each other.
What should you do if the people in your tribe are no longer blogging?
Question for Laurie: What do you do if the people in your tribe are no longer blogging? What is a good number of people for a blog tribe?
Answer by Laurie: This is a delicate question Jessica and I’m so glad you asked. It used to be that the average blogger and blog reader was active around 6 months. Now we’re down to around 3 months. We talk about this number a lot in the Mom Blog to Money Blog workshop because it holds a lot of significance. One of which has to do with your tribe.
To be honest, I think that each situation is different. When I sell Tip Junkie and stop blogging {cough cough}, I’m quite sure that my blogging alliances won’t kick me out. Not only because we have created genine friendship that will last a lifetime but also because my life experience and what I have to offer goes beyond the blog.
With that said, if there is a blogger who is no longer contributing anything to your alliance I think you have a couple options. Keep going along as is and add another person to your group, or slowly become less active in that alliance and either join a different one or create a new blogging tribe. I don’t believe that a big declaration needs to be made or a tough discussion needs to be conducted. I’m sure she knows and understands her position already. There’s no need to hurt anyone’s feelings or let it get messy.
With that said Jessica, that’s just how I would handle it. You should follow your gut and your intuition.
What’s the magic number for a successful blog tribe? {drum roll, please} Under 8 people. Now this is just my opinion, mind you. The goal is to have a group who encourages sharing, develops deep genuine trust, is honest and has the best of intentions with everyone in the group. It’s hard to develop this kind of tribe organically with a large number of people. Although it can be done, it’s just harder and requires policing.
From my experience, the number of people is less important than the TYPE of people in your tribe. I believe that it’s more important to have different niche’s represented {a foodie for sure!}, at least one entreprener, someone who is always up-to-date on social media trends and loves to strategize, someone who is good with working with brands, as well as someone who is generally good with working with people and developing a community online. This type of tribe automatically cuts out any direct competition, feelings of inadequacy since so many skill sets are represented, and creates a cohesive group in which each member has a place and where they belong and are celebrated.
I’ve met a lot of incredibly talented women in this business. There are so many to choose from that it’s hard not to spend too much time socializing. So keep in mind that a blog alliance is not social hour ~ it’s a time and place to increase your knowledge, collaborate, and help each other reach your goals.
“I can’t recommend this course enough!”
“After making many of the changes recommended in the Mom Blog Money Blog course, my traffic and income has more than doubled. I can’t recommend this course enough!!”
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