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Day 4 of our Thanksgiving inspiration features several women who have figured out how to organize the day to make it run smoothly. I’m all about good organizing ahead of time.
My Tip: Be sure to take lots of pictures to include them in your Thanksgiving Planner. This planner is a place for all your recipes, magazine clippings, blog print outs, decorating ideas, invitations, and traditions.
Don’t forget to write down what worked and what you want to change for next year. This way you won’t have to reinvent the wheel year after year. Therefore, it saves you time, money, and keeps you consistent and thoughtful.
The Hyper Homemaker has posted about her Thanksgiving Meal Plan. It starts a month before, so get reading! {{lovin’ the blog name}}
Look at LW Designs Thanksgiving organizer! It’s a beauty.
Cindy from Skip to my Lou has a printable Thanksgiving Day Planner complete with recipes.
A Well Organized Space also has a detailed list of to do’s to make your Thanksgiving Day a success.
Organized A to Z has a couple good tips on getting organized for Thanksgiving. I especially like the tip on setting your table the night before. I do this for everything I host and it saves tons of time. Which makes the morning less stressful and more fun.
I found a Thanksgiving Day Etiquette post from Susan Dunn. I don’t know what living EQ is, but I thought her etiquette strategies were a great reminder for those who will be celebrating at someone elses home this year.
Thanks Ladies! These are amazing and a great way to help us all stay organized to keep the stress low and stay focused on our families.
Tip Junkies: I’m looking for a digital scrapbooker to make me some cool new forms for my readers to print out and help stay organized this holiday season. If you’re interested submit your name & blog using “other” in my form. Thanks!!
Are you looking for more Thanksgiving inspiration? Check out my previous posts:
Day 1: Thanksgiving Place Cards
Day 2: Thanksgiving Centerpieces
Day 3: Thanksgiving Table Settings
Thanksgiving Craft
Thanksgiving Food
Thanksgiving Traditions
More Thanksgiving Traditions
P.S. Don’t forget to buy from women this holiday season during our Mom-preneur Shop-a-thon! Let’s support each other.
Cherie says
I looked at the blog with the EQ and I think it stands for Etiquette Quotient. She calls her blog Etiquette Intelligence so that is the natural leap – too funny!