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Diagnosis of a Baby (1681 downloads )
This is more of a typical baby shower game. Try to figure out what part of the baby’s body the statement is referring to.
Diagnosis of a Baby
1. Has a traveling convenience. (trunk)
2. Has two covers. (eyelids)
3. Has a treasure box. (chest)
4. Has two tropical trees. (palms)
5. Has students. (pupils)
6. Has two established measurements. (feet)
7. Has part of a clock. (hands/face)
8. Has something found in a comb. (teeth)
9. Has a personal pronoun. (eyes)
10. Has metal pegs. (nails)
11. Has part of a wagon. (tonge)
12. Has excess matter. (waist)
13. Has whips on his/her face. (lashes)
14. Has a house of worship. (temple)
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