Face painting for is such a fun and cheap and fun activity for children. Most children love getting their face painted. That’s why the face painting booth at carnivals is such a favorite. Incorporate face painting designs in your next Halloween or birthday party. Keep it simple and quick and it will be the hit of the party.
Simple Face Painting Image Ideas:
If you are manning a face painting booth at a Halloween carnival or birthday party, it’s a good idea to have a poster-board giving examples of the simple face painting images you can make. This will speed up the line and make it easier on everyone involved.
Here are several easy face painting image ideas from Executive Homemaker: ghost, witches hat, spider, pumpkin, basketball, football, smiling face, balloon, and heart.
Cheek Face Painting
1. Pumpkin cheek face painting design – A simple pumpkin design for a cheek.
2. Spider cheek face painting design – an easy way to paint a simple spider
Advanced Face Painting Designs
3 Butterfly Face Painting video – This girl makes it look so easy to transform your little cutie into a butterfly.
4. Cute Puppy Dog Face Panting tutorial – A step by step pictured guide on how to make this cute puppy dog face painting design.
5. Tiger Face Painting instructions – A quick but informative guide with pictures on how to paint a tiger face for kids.
6. DIY Face Painting Tips from a Pro – Six quick tips on picking the right paint and things to be aware of as a parent about face painting.
I’m going to add this link to some outrageous face painting designs – only because I’m in complete awe. But please screen this before you show your kids, as it’s not for all viewers.
I completely agree! I’ve manned several face painting booths myself but I have very little painting skills. So having my poster-board with the simple designs I could actually draw made everything easier! The line went faster, kids were happier, and I was more confident. I went ahead and uploaded a picture of my board so you can see it. It’s made from that heavy foam board that you use for science projects. 🙂
I whole heartedly agree with Larissa.
I’ve been face painting for many years and all professionals put in a lot of time, money and energy in learning their craft. A large part of the learning is about safety and hygiene.
Follow Larissa’s advice, it is timely and spot on.
So cute, I am not artistic at all and can’t draw a stick figure to save my life but those faces rock!
These are so cute!
I was volunteered to face paint once and the kids kept asking for such crazy things that were far beyond my artistic ability. Half-way though the day I created a sample board of designs as a starting point. Most of the kids chose something off the board, and my day went a whole lot better.
Please let your readers know:
Please be sure, if you’re not hiring a professional face painter to do the painting for you (as many of us are taking appointments for Halloween costume face painting!), that you’re using proper products that are FDA-compliant and meant for use on the face.
Avoid acrylic paints, oil paints, temperas, and those terrible homemade concoctions you can find online. Also, you will NOT get your best results with the cheap Halloween face paints you can find in costume shops at this time of year.
Look for the Klutz book, which has good quality FDA-compliant face paint/makeup, or any Snazaroo kits. Those are the best for novices.
Also, NO CRAFT GLITTER, only cosmetic glitter!
There’s a ton of face paint safety information on my blog; feel free to quote it or link to it, as long as you give credit.