A friend of mine received this Christmas card in the mail this year! We were both amazed by the creativity that I had to feature her! Lori designed her Christmas card letter into ‘The Game of Life”.
These instructions were included:
“To all the most important players in our “Game of LIFE”, thank you for helping us “collect new memories”, for being there for us when we “lose a turn” or when we get to “roll again“. We love you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2008. Keep “moving forward“.
Lori here’s your ‘Great Tip’ Award!‘ You’ve earned it, girl! WOW! What an amazing card.
I’m on the lookout for more creative and incredible Christmas Cards and family letter ideas!
Post a comment or shoot me an e-mail (laurie at Executive Homemaker dot com) of one’s you’ve received or made. I’ll feature them here on tipjunkie.com!
check out this site for some cute Christmas card ideas!
Thanks to everyone who appreciated our Christmas card. It was kind of a fly by the seat of my pants idea. but those usually turn out the best. Not sure wht I am supposed to do with the award, but I am proud to have it!
How many kids does she have?! lol
Super cute idea!!!
This is a great card!
This is FABULOUS! I want to do this next year. Thanks!