Make your own family calendar to help you organize and plan for the year. Print out this one (it’s free) and spend some time to plan out your entire year.
There are so many ways you can make this calendar.
1. Make 12 layouts:
- Using pictures in Microsoft Publisher and print it out on card-stock with this calendar front and back.
- You digital scrapbookers have got it easy! Simply print out 12 of your favorites, use this calendar, and have it spiral bound.
- Use your kids artwork from school for the layouts.
2. Take it to Office Depot and have it spiral bound with a plastic front cover and black back cover.
3. To personalize and make the calendar more useful, I add all the families birthdays and other special days.
I add everything to my calendar, such as:
- Birthdays
- Church meetings
- Doctors Appointments, Due Dates, and other Reminders: Dentist, Ortho, shots, etc.
- Holiday & Events
- Monthly Events: Girls Night Out, Book Club, etc.
- Pay Bill Day
- School Holiday & Break Schedules
- Scouts
- Sports sign up dates, practices, and games
- Vacations and Day trips I want to plan for the family
At the bottom of each month I add things I need to remember for that month, such as:
- Birthday Cards
- Birthday Party planning
- Holiday planning, gift planning, and outfit planning
- Kids letters to Grandparents (our goal is to write 1 a month and rotate the Grandparents)
- Contact an old friend (I e-mail or send something to 1 long-time friend a month)
- Cash for Food Storage (I collect a small amount of cash each month and put away, just in case.)
You could go one further and make this calendar holder. It’s seriously so easy! Click here to print out instructions on How to Make the Calendar Holder, it’s free.
You can print everything out on Executive Homemaker.
Nice ideas! Wish I thought of that and was that talented
The calendar is definitely an overlooked tool these days – in the age of blackberries, pocket pc’s and palm pilots. But hey, it is the most basic, economical and best way to get organized! Thanks for the tip. Greetings from
I’ve been to that site a few times and I love it! Great tip!
Jen R