I’m a self-proclaimed craft junkie. I’ve tried just about every & any “craft” out there. You might even say I have “Craft ADD”, I never can stay committed to a single “art” for too long. In an effort to share my crafting love with my friends, just about every single month I invite just about everyone & anyone I know over to my house for Not Your Mama’s Craft Night. Each month we try to venture outside of the “craft box”, share ideas, try new techniques & hopefully meet a friend or two in the process. Although most of you probably live to far away to participate in our monthly get-togethers, here are a few of my favorite projects, so you can craft along from the comfort of you own home…
Freezer Paper Stencils (make your own stencils for old or new t-shirts, etc.)
Etched Glass Pans
Mod Podged Frames
Fusing Plastic (recycle all of those plastic store bags, you now from target or the grocery store, into reusable bags)
Happy Everything Banner
Art Cases
I Spy Bags
Newborn Gowns from T-shirts
Felt Mary Jane Booties
One of my recent projects was super easy & super quick, my favorite type of project! So, I thought I’d share with you. For a step-by-step pictorial, simply click on the pictures on the right to enlarge.
I Spy Bottles
Prep: 1 large plastic bottle (I used the 33.8 FL OZ Smart Water Bottle), a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, Goo Gone, approximately 30+ small doo-dads & findings to fill bottle (peruse craft stores, etc. for “little” stuff. buttons, scrapbook stuff, household odds & ends. for ex: paper clip, button, penny), Poly-Pellets (you can find this at craft stores, it’s usually used for doll stuffing) or you can also use bird seed or rice as the filler, funnel, Super Glue, clear contact paper or packing tape & confetti (although this is totally optional, it just makes it look pretty… alphabet & number confetti works really well, & adds a fun component – find all the letters of the alphabet, etc.).
1. Start with a clean & dry bottle
2. Using the Magic Eraser remove any black printing on the bottle
3. Remove the label from the bottle & use the Goo Gone to remove any of the residual stickiness.
4. Fill your bottle with all you “goodies”, don’t forget to make a list of what you put in!
5. Using the funnel, fill the bottle about 2/3 full with your filler (the Poly-Pellets, rice, or bird seed). You want it full, but not so full that when you shake it, your items don’t move around.
6. If you are adding confetti, you’ll want to do so at this time.
7. At this point you’ll want to screw on the bottle cap & shake, shake, shake! Mix everything up really well… plus it works well as a trial run. If the “goodies” aren’t moving around, you may have to take out some of your filler.
8. Once everything is shaken up & you’re pleased with the amount of filler, etc. it’s time to Super Glue on your bottle cap – you definitely don’t want little hands & fingers getting it unscrewed! & don’t forget to cut off that little “extra” part of the cap that is floating around now… you know the part that you “unscrew” when you first open the bottle.
9. Print up your list “can you spy a…” with all of your goodies listed. Tape or glue it to the bottle & cover it with clear contact paper or packing tape, so it doesn’t get lost.
10. At this point, you can be done, or you can add some colorful curling ribbon to make it pretty.
Ta Da! Your very own I Spy Bottle.
Happy Crafting!
xoxo, Kelly
You already know that I LOVE YOU. I now bow down to you. Can I please come to one of your craft nights?! I’ll come all the way from AZ even! Thanks for all your great tips, crafts, and recipes!!
Love all of your ideas! I am adding your blog to my favorites!
I think you read my mind today! I am going to try something like freezer paper stencils, too. No freezer paper in Germany, though, so I’m getting a little more creative..
What a terrific idea!
Love it, love it, love it! I’ve seen the little bags, but I really like the bottle idea! I have 6 nieces and nephews so I’m getting started!