As a blogger, you are creating original content, which you want tons of people to read, and my step-by-step guide to get paid for your content shows you how. In the next few months I’m inviting real bloggers who have studied my my workshop, Mom Blog to Money Blog to share their honest, unbiased opinions about the workshop, and you can see for yourself if it’s worth it to shell out the cash.
Mom Blog to Money Blog Review ~ Day 18
I can not tell you how many times a day I get asked questions on how to make money with a blog. It breaks my heart that I can’t clone myself to give everyone a one-on-one consultation or respond to every email or notification I receive. Therefore, I sat down for 4 weeks and wrote everything I know about blogging in this course, Mom Blog to Money Blog.
It’s an online workshop with a one-time membership fee, which is a one year membership, no strings attached, and no hidden fees. It’s straight from my heart spilling all my secrets, with 16 printable checklists, and 21 how-to video’s. My hope was to make you feel like I was right there next to you and walking you through the process. {hugs}
So, are you ready to get paid for your talent and writing writing and bring home the bacon? Ill show you how. {{click the links for more info.}}
In Day Eighteen of the Mom Blog to Money Blog workshop I share with you my High Traffic Tricks of the Trade. These are what I consider my “Easy Buttons” for Traffic. Are you intrigued? You should be, because these tricks of the trade ARE easy and they will bring you traffic. With the help of 5 “Easy Buttons” I was able to grow my traffic in ways I didn’t think was possible my first few years of blogging!
Crystal & Co. ~ Review of Day 18
Crystal & Co. is the place to go if you are seeking solutions and resources for the busy mom! Crystal & Co. is a community for those looking for mom advice, those wanting to learn how to meal plan with easy recipes, ways to save money, printable coupons as well as craft tutorials, free printables, activities for kids and birthday party ideas.
“I learned that I should go into old content and optimize!”
The course cetainly reminded me that I need to go into old content and ensure the layout is correct and keywords are properly being used.
Which is better for SEO? Optimizing an old post or leaving it as it is and rescheduling?
Question for Laurie: Which is better for SEO Laurie, rescheduling an old post or tidying up an old post and ensuring the layout is revised with the correct
keyword being utilized? I am just so scared that by rescheduling an old post that I will break links, etc.
Answer by Laurie: I get asked this question a lot when I’m speaking at conferences. It’s completely normal to be anxious when updating posts, especially if they are already popular and bringing in great traffic. The fear of not wanting to mess things up by breaking a link is a natural one. To make sure you don’t break the URL {or permalink}, just be sure you copy it before you edit the post. Paste it into a Google Drive spreadsheet or somewhere handy so you can quickly proof the URL after you’ve pressed publish. If your blog automatically changes the URL {or permalink}, you can easily edit the URL back to the original or you can do a 301 redirect. It’s actually really easy.
Now… to answer your question about if it’s more effective to re-schedule an old post or optimize an old post for SEO… .I’d go for optimize every time! Think of it this way ~ you could have the most amazing Pumpkin Pie Recipe on your blog. However, if you called it “Grandma’s Best Spice Pie” in the title, URL, and throughout the post ~ then NO ONE will find it, because they are searching for a “pumpkin pie recipe”. Or, if you have “Pumpkin Pie” but don’t add the word “recipe” then it won’t come up in a search result either and people can’t find it. So, the reason for SEO is to fix your fabulous posts and word them in a way the average person will find them in a search result.
This takes a few steps:
1. Knowing what words {or phrase} people are using to search for your post topic.
2. Naturally incorporating that 2-4 word phrase into your post title, URL, and several times throughout the post. This proves to Google and other search engines that this post is on the topic you say it is.
3. Editing your image names and alt tags with those words {or phrases} so they will show up in image searches. This also proves to the search engines that this is on topic.
I hope that answers your question quickly. {wink} There’s a LOT we could talk about regarding SEO ~ but I promise you that fixing old posts is a better use of your time than constantly coming up with new content. When I first learned about SEO, I made it a habit every day to fix the 3 “you also might like” posts I linked up to at the bottom of my post. This way I had 4 SEO-friendly posts every day for search engines to re-index and send new readers over to my site.
“Grab this online program if you are ready to take your blog to the next level!”
“The Mom Blog Money Blog course will really help you identify the best places to spend your time online while also opening your eyes to the areas you might want to give less energy when you’re seeking a maximized return on blog visibility. Grab this online program if you are ready to take your blog to the next level!”
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