Tomorrow Tip Junkie turns 5 years old! {squeal} I’m celebrating with the 5th Annual Birthday Bash which features hundreds of birthday party themes, decorating ideas, printables, crafty food, and some pretty over-the-top parties. The birthday bash will continue all week long June 11th -15th.
This year, my goal is to make sure that I really help you out planning your party. Therefore, I will also be answering your:
- party questions
- decorating challenges
- find your child’s must-have party themes
and making the birthday bash a lot more interactive for YOU as well as tons of fun over on Facebook and Instagram!
$5000 in Birthday Bash Prizes
Oh yeah… Tip Junkie will be giving away some incredible prizes, totaling over $5000! Yep, as usual YOU fabulous readers get the birthday gifts! Why? Well… because I just adore you and TJ wouldn’t be what it is today without the incredible talents of the women that allow me to feature them and you lovely readers who keep coming back to learn more. {high fives}
I know you’re a busy gal, so to enter each giveaway, simply leave a quick comment on the giveaway post. Yep, that’s it. No catch. {pinky swear} A winner will be chosen by random number generator, ‘cuz I like things fair and honest. {wink} I’ll contact each winner directly and ship them their prize.
{To upload this image to Instagram: Take a screenshot of this image from your phone and tag @tipjunkie #birthdaybash}
How to Play on Instagram
If you’re an iPhone user, you might have already heard of Instagram and are just as addicted as I am. It’s seriously the easiest photo editing program I’ve used and such a fun way to interact with friends and family.
Let Tip Junkie do the work and research birthday parties for you!
Just head over to Instagram and sign in to your account {or sign up, it’s free} and search #birthdaybash for two weeks of birthday party collaboration! In order for me to see your photos and answer your questions, make sure you type in #birthdaybash and @tipjunkie which tags your photo/question so that I can see it, and so can all the other Tip Junkie’s who are playing along!
Each day, you’ll have the opportunity to upload photos of your kids favorite:
June 11th ~ Toy
June 12th ~ Movie
June 13th ~ TV Show/Cartoon
June 14th ~ Book
June 15th ~ Sport
June 16th ~ {taking a break}
June 17th ~ Color
June 18th ~ Age
June 19th ~ Room to Decorate
June 20th ~ Cake Flavor
June 21st ~ Game
June 22nd ~ Food
June 23rd ~ Say “cheese”
And, I’ll find those party themes for you! {squeal} Yep, let Tip Junkie do all the research for you and you get all the credit from your kiddo. {evil laugh}
By uploading the above photos, you can ask questions, help out fellow Tip Junkie’s, and let Tip Junkie find the perfect party for your son and/or daughter! Yep, simply upload your photos via Instagram and make sure you type in @tipjunkie and #birthdaybash so we can all see them and help you out!
How To Upload Image to Instagram?
I’ve been wondering how people upload images online onto Instagram. Well, it’s easy peasy! Simply pull up onto your phone and screen shot the image. How do you screen shot an image? Well, if you have an iPhone you click the power button {on the top of your phone} the same time as the round main button {on the front bottom of your phone}. Press them simultaneously really quickly and it will screen-shot whatever is on your phone’s screen.
Link Up So We Can Follow You!
Time to link up! If you’d like to play along with us… First sign up to Instagram {it’s free} but only a mobile phone app, it’s not currently on the web. Therefore, you’ll also need to go online and sign up for FollowGram {yep, free}, then link up your FollowGram URL so we can follow you during the Birthday Bash. I just adore making new friends.
Don’t have an iPhone? Then play along over on the Tip Junkie Facebook page!
5 years is a great miles stone to celebrate. Congratulation!!!
Love TJ and all the wonderful ideas on your site. FABULOUS!!!!!
Happy happy!
! <3 tj!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday. Love your blog!!
I can’t wait for this!!! So fuN!