I’ve already mentioned my little obsession with vinyl lettering. Well here’s another fabulous gal who’s uber creative and will spice up your home, Lolly Jane Boutique.
A while ago featured her birthday boards – aren’t they amazing!! You’ve got to put this on the Christmas list for Grandma, she’ll love it!
Take a look at this 24″ round clock. Each number represents the order of her siblings birth, labeled with their name. Anyway, imagine the hands on it for the complete look.
She also made this custom chore chart with interchangeable chore tags. Too cute!!
I’m loving these 24″ x 24″ double frames. Adorable.
Car tattoos. I’m cracking up at the name. What a great idea to market your blogtique. {{just saying}}
This is a cheap way to add framed artwork to your nursery or kids room!
Here’s an easy project you can do yourself: Use one of your old vases & within 10 minutes have a new gift for a friend!
I would never have thought about putting a cute vinyl decal on a candle. What a cool idea.
Thanks Kelli for sponsoring such a great giveaway. We love all your products!
Darling!! I want to know how to make the vinyl lettering!! 🙂 You must need some special cutter or machine. So cute!!
she is definitely talented!
GREAT ideas…I love them all, espeically the flower pot and the chore chart!
Thank you so much for showing us her…what wonderful ideas she has!!
I really like the framed art idea. And the fonts she uses are SO cute!