‘What to have for lunch?’ is no longer going to be a question that’s hard to answer. Why? Well because we’ve come to the rescue with these darling printables to help us prepare healthy lunches that our kiddos will actually eat! And, with fun printable notes of encouragement and jokes, packing a lunch that they’ll like with a little surprise inside will take an everyday lunch to a new level!
What To Have For Lunch
Back to school time means packing nutritious lunches that kids will actually want to eat, five days a week! The very thought gives some parents sleepless nights, but this printable will give you ideas that are healthy and nutritious and that your kids will like to eat!
Print Free File Here:
Pick Your Lunch {kid-friendly menu} (21323 downloads )
Lunch Menu
Creating a healthy lunch your child will eat is no longer an overwhelming task! Thanks to this amazing ‘Pick Your Lunch‘ food checklist, your child{ren} can help create their own custom yummy school lunches. Simply have your child mark the food they want to eat for lunch. It’s as easy as 1-2-3! This worksheet has a variety of food and snack options such as a as different fruits, veggies, snacks, and sandwiches to choose from, so every child should be able to find something!
Once the easy peasy checklist has been completed, take the list of favorites with you to the grocery store. Yep, this handy dandy list doubles as a shopping list to make it easy for you to pack healthy school lunches with variety.
Print Free File Here:
Lunchbox Jokes & Notes (5646 downloads )
Lunchbox Jokes & Notes
Print out these free jokes to give your kiddos a little chuckle while they are at lunch. Also included are words of encouragement that are a perfect addition to your child’s lunchbox. Print them out and keep them on the ready. You never know when someone you love will need a kind word at lunch time.
A huge thanks to Amanda and Brieanna for their mad skills in graphic design! Holy smokes they are so talented.
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More Lunch Ideas:
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Promoting creative women through their tutorials,
craft rooms, and products. ~ Laurie {a.k.a. the Tip Junkie}
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I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or not but I can’t seem to get the PDF to download correctly. When I do its all jumbled and nothing but symbols. Could you help please? Thanks!
I am so sad – the lunch list won’t open. 🙁 What am I doing wrong? What program should I have to open it? I would really having a list for my children to pick from! – Thanks!
Is there a way to modify the checklist? I want to make it as simple as possible by taking items off that aren’t an option. Great stuff. Love that I found your website!
SO FUN!!! My kids LOVE notes in their lunch boxes and this just made MY job easier! Thanks!!!
That is great, thank you! I used the menu picture and put 2 links in the post, the one back to this and then your home page. You have such great ideas and I love to share them! 🙂