Find projects to make by DIY and craft materials that you have around the house. Click any word below and search for projects which are created using that material.
Adhesive and Stick it Together:
Digital Cutting Tools:
Fabric and Textiles:
- apron
- burlap
- Chiffon
- Cotton
- craft felt
- denim
- embroidery floss
- fabric scraps
- felt
- Fleece
- Knits
- lace
- large shirt
- lightweight fabric
- Linen
- Lycra
- muslin
- sheet
- Silk
- Stretch Fabric
- thread
- Tulle
- Wool
- wool felt
- yarn
Fun to Have:
- cotton balls
- feathers
- floral wire
- glitter
- glue stick
- googly eyes
- liquid starch
- painter’s tape
- pom poms
- sequins
Make your Mark:
- butcher paper
- card stock
- coffee filters
- colored tissue paper
- construction paper
- contact paper
- copy paper
- crepe paper
- freezer paper
- newspaper
- newspaper
- paper bags
- Paper Roll
- paper towels
- tissue paper
- wax paper
- wrapping paper
Recycling Bin:
- bubble wrap
- cans
- cardboard
- egg cartons
- empty boxes
- jars
- junk mail
- leaf
- magazines
- milk cartons
- packaging peanuts
- plastic containers
- plastic lids
- produce bag
- styrofoam trays
String and Beading:
Three Dimensional:
- air dry clay
- aluminum foil
- chenille stems
- clay
- craft foam
- homemade dough
- pipe cleaner
- polymer clay
- popsicle sticks
- scrap wood
- stick
- toothpicks
- wood shapes