As a blogger, you are creating original content, which you want tons of people to read, and my step-by-step guide to get paid for your content shows you how. In the next few months I’m inviting real bloggers who have studied my my workshop, Mom Blog to Money Blog to share their honest, unbiased opinions about the workshop, and you can see for yourself if it’s worth it to shell out the cash.
Mom Blog to Money Blog Review ~ Day 17
I can not tell you how many times a day I get asked questions on how to make money with a blog. It breaks my heart that I can’t clone myself to give everyone a one-on-one consultation or respond to every email or notification I receive. Therefore, I sat down for 4 weeks and wrote everything I know about blogging in this course, Mom Blog to Money Blog.
It’s an online workshop with a one-time membership fee, which is a one year membership, no strings attached, and no hidden fees. It’s straight from my heart spilling all my secrets, with 16 printable checklists, and 21 how-to video’s. My hope was to make you feel like I was right there next to you and walking you through the process. {hugs}
So, are you ready to get paid for your talent and writing writing and bring home the bacon? Ill show you how. {{click the links for more info.}}
Day Seventeen’s focus in the Mom Blog to Money Blog is about optimizing our most popular pages. There are specific type of posts which create high traffic because of the number of inbound links that dig deeper into your site from both readers page views as well as re-indexing from search engines like Google. The number of inbound links to a page brings proves to search engines the content on that page is not only relevant to that topic but that its a quality page with content that people want to read. Today I share with you how to monetize your most popular posts on landing pages!
Seven Clown Circus ~ Review of Day 17
Angie is a word loving, book devouring, craft-dabbling mama to 5, who blogs at Seven Clown Circus. Shes also a sunshine hoarding, organizationally devout, stringer of letters, words and paragraphs who just happens to adore all things Tip Junkie.
“I learned that landing pages are an excellent way to optimize popular posts!”
I learned the best way to optimize popular posts are to create landing pages the show them off. I hadn’t even thought of making Sneeze pages or List Posts for my own content and I was doing myself a huge dis-service by not doing them sooner! I also learned that I need to do them more frequently and to not discount my own work as important enough to include in landing pages.
How frequently should one make specialized landing pages for their site?
Question for Laurie: How often do you recommend making “Sneeze” pages and “List” Posts? How often should one update their “Welcome” page?
Answer by Laurie: In my opinion, how often you update or change something depends on whether or not it’s accomplishing it’s goals. The purpose of a Welcome Page for a blog or website is to generate RSS Feed or newsletter subscribers and it should be in the top 100 most popular posts of your site. If your Welcome page is not accomplishing these goals then you should update it STAT. {wink} Once you hit the sweet spot with your Welcome Page then I would leave it alone until it stops working again. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
If you’ve never written a Sneeze page or List post before then your readers might be a little confused as to what it is and why you’re changing your routine all of a sudden. So, how often you should write a Sneeze page or List post really depends on the demographic of your readers. Tip Junkie readers want a lot of information on one topic ~ so these types of pages are almost expected! The purpose of a Sneeze page or List post is to generate search result traffic from search engines like Google as well as inbound links to your older content. With that purpose, and your readers in mind, you might find that writing a Sneeze page or List post should only be posted live twice a month. This way you’re meeting your goals and it gives your readers time to understand and process these new types of posts from you. However, if these types of posts are perfect for your demographic of readers ~ feel free to write them once a week. My tip would be to balance out the needs of your site with the needs of your readers. One successful tip I did when I first started writing Sneeze pages was to make sure that my best content would post live the day before my sneeze page. This way my readers were already really happy with me and could let a list post slide with out complaint. That strategy worked really well.
“MBMB Will Help You Learn How to Make Money From Your Site!”
“If you want to learn how to make money from your site, then the MBMB workshop is your first step!”
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