Several of my friends and family have been affected by the loss of loved ones this summer. I’ve realized how imporatant it is to have all your information in one place. I made this booklet that will help collect all your confidential records to assist in handling your affairs in the event of an emergency.
Click here to check it out and print out a free copy. I’m going to e-mail the link to my parents so they can start getting everything they need together as well.
It includes:
1. Vital Papers Location
* Birth Certificates
* Marriage Certificate
* Will or Trust
* Safe Deposit Box
2. People Familiar with my Affairs
* Professional Services
* Special Instructions
3. Important Records
* Tax records and returns
4. Insurance
* Health/Life/Disablilty Insurance
* Annuities
* Health Insurance
* Disability Insurance
* Accident / Hospitilization Insurance
* Long Term Care Insurance
* Homeowner Insurance
5. Your Estate
* Financial Account Information
* Real Estate
* Investments
* Trust Funds
6. Business Ventures
7. Funeral Arrangements
I uploaded the file to Click here to check it out and print out a free copy.
this is a great idea.
Thanks! Great idea!
fabulous idea laurie!
What a great idea. You never know when you’ll need all of those things together.