Promoting creative women is the #1 goal of Tip Junkie. Today, Alison from Petit Elefant is sharing her 5 Tips for Successful Blogging . She is sharing how she has found success and fulfillment through blogging.
In an effort to empower you, our readers and fellow creative souls, we would like to welcome you to the Blogospheres version of the Master Class. Just like Oprahs Master Class on OWN, but for Bloggers.
What is Oprahs Master Class on OWN?
Its a biography series that shares hard-won insight from extraordinary achievers whose paths have inspired Oprahand countless others. There are always 3-5 lessons that viewers can take away from their shared experiences and it is truly inspiring and empowering. We are hoping to do the same here on Tip Junkie by featuring successful bloggers.
We will be regularly featuring inspiring bloggers who have found success and fulfillment through their online endeavors. Join us and find yourself empowered through their words of wisdom.
Allison with Petit Elefant
Introduce yourself to Tip Junkies.
I’m a style seeking guru who runs the popular blog Petit Elefant when I’m not styling photo shoots and commercials. I write about everything in life: travel, family, home, and style, when I’m not chasing after my two kids, husband, and horse.
What do you think every blogger/Mom-preneur should know?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your blog/business/tap dancing skills. Seriously, it takes forever to do it right, to build something amazing from the ground up. Be patient!
What have you learned in the past year that has been a “game changer” for your blog/business?
I’ve done a lot of freelancing and travel in the last year, and all of it has made me a better blogger. If you’re not actually out there experiencing the world, you really won’t have anything amazing to write about.
What piece of advice have you received that you’ll never forget?
Be consistent. It’s so hard to blog day in and day out, year after year after year, but if I’m consistent, great things happen. Let people know that you’re still here, you’re still relevant, you’re still fabulous.
What aspect of social media has been most beneficial to you? And why? Can you share a tip or secret for how you use it to work for you so well?
Meeting people in person. I speak at a lot of social media conferences and attend a fair amount of social media events, and there’s nothing at all like face time. Sure, a lot of people you connect with online you’ll have an amazing connection with in real life too, but there’s nothing like that real interaction. Brands love meeting people in real life too and knowing there’s more than a handful of stats to a person and their blog.
Who do you look up to and why?
So many people, really. I adore Ree Drummond of The Pioneer Woman. She’s a rock star in every way: totally gracious, normal, real, kind. She’s a great friend. You know who’s the smartest person I know though? One of my closest friends, Rachael Herrsherr of Today’s Mama. Girlfriend is a genius; I love listening to her talk strategy, it blows my mind.
Alison’s favorite posts:
Where you can find Alison in the Blogosphere:
- Website
- Twitter: @petit_elefant
I so love Ms. Allison. Great to see her featured here :). Wonderful, down to earth advice!