Whether it’s holiday photos, parties or graduation pics – we all want to look our best when there’s photography involved! There are some things you can do with your makeup to help you put forward your best face possible! Here are our 7 tips for flawless-looking makeup in photos.
7 Photography Makeup Tips To Help You Look Flawless In Photos
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$0 or Free
30 Minutes
25-50 |
-- |
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You Will Need...
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Lay The Foundation
Apply foundation to your face, down your neck and onto the upper chest if needed. And take extra care to blend will at the hairline – you don’t want to look like you’re wearing a mask!
Step 2
Stick With Matte Colors
While it can be tempting to layer on the shimmery shades, it’s best to stick with matte shades when you know there will be pictures taken.
Step 3
Brighten Your Blush
Go for a blush that is a bit brighter than what you normally wear. Blend well to avoid having it look like war paint, and make sure there are no sparkles in the makeup.
Step 4
Go Easy On The Eyes
You’ll want to avoid using too much mascara or eyeliner – in photos, it will make your eyes look smaller, or even give you the dreaded ‘raccoon” effect’.
Step 5
Draw On Perfect Lips
Use a lip liner to make lips look fuller by tracing just outside the natural lip line.
Step 6
Carry Blotting Paper
Carry blotting paper with you, and use it throughout the night to dab at the oily ‘T-zone’ – across the forehead and down the nose, where you’re likely to get the most perspiration.
Step 7
Don’t Be Afraid Of Falsies!
False lashes will really open your eyes up and make them look bigger, which will light up your whole face.

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