OK, not a gazillion right now, but who knows how many we could find if we acted together !
I was looking through my Pinterest boards of Free Sewing Patterns
when I started to search for other boards on free sewing patterns. I found a LOT of them. Clearly its a subject a lot of people are interested in and like to pin and share.
Which got me to thinking wouldnt it be great to have a central repository of the best of the internets free sewing patterns all in one place, where everyone could add something they found. Then we could all just refer to the once place to find everything we needed.
Pinterest has a feature that allows us to do just that a group board where several, or lots, of contributors can pin to a single board. So I set one up called FREE Sewing Patterns and Ive invited lots of people who had their own boards to join and repin their finds onto this central board.
Come on over and find out more about the board and discover and share a gazillion free sewing patterns!
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