Because our pantry-in-progress had cheap and awful carpet, I created a unique, one of a kind floor using various pieces of 1x wood cut-off’s from a pallet rehabber. I collected these pieces of wood for free, purchasing only floor underlayment, polyurethane and other smaller supplies, bringing the total cost for this 60 square foot room of flooring to about $90. I made “grout” using fine sawdust and polyurethane to fill the gaps, sealed it all up, and voila, a custom floor!
An Easy DIY Free Pallet Wood Floor Redo
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- pre-cut wood pieces from pallet rehabber
- floor underlayment
- fine sawdust
- polyurethane
- mineral spirits
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
First, collect the wood pieces.
Step 2
Trim up and fill all the small leftover areas if needed.
Step 3
Lay down floor underlayment if you are going to use it. I stacked the pieces of wood in small piles in reverse order so as to not mess up the arrangement.
Step 4
Nail down the pieces.
Step 5
Grout the gaps using a mixture of sawdust and polyurethane. I also added mineral spirits to thin the mixture. I applied it using a plastic putty knife, the paint stirrer, and my hands. It was messy and time consuming. Look for the related grouting post on my blog!
Step 6
Once dry, I had to scrape off the leftover crunchy clumps.
Step 7
Seal the whole thing with several coats of polyurethane.
Step 8
Final project!
Step 9
Final project!

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