This is a long black wrap scarf. The fabric is covered in ruffles to give it a fun frilly look. This scarf is easy enough to make for friends and family in a short amount of time.
Black Ruffle Scarf
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$0 or Free
30 Minutes
-- | -- |
Homemade Gift
You Will Need...
- 5/8 yd Ruffle Fabric
- Sewing Thread
- Fabric Scissors
- Sewing Machine
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
1. Use 5/8 of a yard of any color of ruffle fabric, I purchased mine at Hobby Lobby with a 40% off coupon and it was about $4.00. Fold in half long ways and cut so you have two pieces that are the same length.

Yes please, where are the remaining directions, please don’t leave us hanging!
I am new to the site. i don’t see the rest of the directions. step 1 is all that’s listed. where do o find the entire tutorial