Since this is our first Christmas in our new home I decided that I was going to make SOMETHING to add to our lovely abode by making some holiday decorations to fit. So, after much thought, I decided to create a beautiful banner pendant for our mantel.
Now, I’ve seen hundreds of pendants all over the internet and have always loved them, so it wasn’t all that hard to see that I needed to go ahead and make one.
For my banner, I did use interface to attach a felt back to the burlap and this was very helpful to keep from any kind of fraying (I’m talking NONE).
Next, I used interface to attach the lovely black and white fabric to the top of the burlap (again, no fraying!).
Then, I literally hand sewed a red fabric pleat to decorate the top of each pendant. I fudged by using black thread, but in my defense it was because I originally planned to attach some sort of stringed beading, but ended up backing out of that idea at the last minute. I loved the way it looked as it was.
Last, I hot glued a long piece twine to the back of each pendant to hold the pendants together and hung.
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