There are a million ways to make a chore chart for kids. Mine combines cutesy images depicting “chores” and fun “payment” coins {both on pretty wooden magnets}. The board is a chalkboard {for easy changes} and a small container acts as the earnings box, to hold coins each time my little one does his chore. I love chore charts for their fun organized incentive program to get my little one on a daily routine. {They also are a great introduction to earnings & savings!} This chart does all that, and what’s more, it is super cute too.
DIY Child’s Chore Chart
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$25 to $50
Full Day
-- | -- |
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- Thrift Store Metal Tray
- Craft Paint
- Plaster of Paris
- Paint Brush
- Spray Primer
- Chalk & damp towel
- Ribbon
- Hot Glue
- "Chores" Printable
- "Coins" Printable
- 2 sheets heavy card stock
- scissors
- Mod Podge
- 1 package (50 count) round craft magnets
- 12 - 2" wooden circles
- 25-- 1" wooden circles
- small container/tin/box
- hot glue
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
How To Make the Chalkboard:
Start by washing and thoroughly drying the tray. Spray with a primer. Mix Chalkboard paint. 1/2 cup paint to 1 TBSP. Plaster of Paris. Mix well. Apply two smooth coats. Dry Completely after each coat.
*Tip: Chalkboard Paint is “stickier” than traditional craft paint. Use a roller for a smoother coat, and always paint in thin even coats.Once completely dry, use chalk to draw out the board. Time of day on the left and DONE on the right.
*Tip: A damp towel works best when erasing chalk.Finally, hot glue a ribbon for hanging.
Step 2
How to Use the Chore Chart:
This is how it works for our family; chores in the morning, at dinner time and bedtime. Major housework chores are completed for the most part on Saturdays. Each day my little one goes through his assigned chores. Once he has completed one, he moves the tag from the left side to the DONE side. He then takes his earned coin and places it in the earnings box at the bottom of the chart. Nightly Ill count up his earnings and pay him. As he gets older he will be paid weekly rather than daily. In the morning the tags are replaced and he has the chance to earn more.
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