Christmas is here again!
This year I decided to decorate my table with a centerpiece.
I built a wishing tree for Christmas , it is very simple to make!!
This wising tree is also suitable for a baby shower celebrated during the holiday season.
DIY Christmas Wishing Tree
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$0 or Free
1-2 Hours
1 Year
-- | -- |
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- A 20" high Myrtus plant in a pot trimmed like a traditional Christmas tree, 7 crystal beads, 6 glass robins, red and gold metallic wavy paper
- a strip of lace
- a translucent dark red silk ribbon
- two pairs of tiny bells and assorted candies in gold with touches of green cream and brown

That is adorable, thanks for the idea. Luanne