How to make a DIY Star Wars Themed Halloween costumes for the family! I’ve been piecing together stuff from thrift stores and around the house to create adorable Star Wars costumes for the kids this year… we’re talking SUPER cheap! I got everything I needed for about $6. I only bought a couple things and found everything else I needed around the house. Here’s how you can do it too!
See my complete post, here:
Thank you so much! This was my first attempt at uploading a project and I really had no idea what I was doing! Thanks for the help 🙂
Hey Sarah,
I hope it’s ok, but I updated your tutorial a bit so that I could feature it on Facebook. I added each costume as a different step so that people could easily see all the wonderful work out did in an easier-to-read format.
Great job, Girl! I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share this with us. {hugs}
~ the Tip Junkie