I wanted a witches hat this year as part of my Halloween decor. I didn’t want to buy a hat so I just used what I had around the house to make one. This project was very easy and depending on the materials you have laying around it could be very inexpensive to make!
DIY Witches Hat
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
-- | -- | -- |
You Will Need...
- Black pillowcase
- Plastic Bags
- Ribbon
- Cardboard
- Scissors
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Cut a triangle out of your pillowcase
Step 2
and stitch the cut side to form the top of the witch hat. Then cut the brim portion out
Step 3
With two pieces of card board draw a circle (one circle should be slightly bigger then the other) and cut these circles out.
Step 4
Cut a hole in the middle of each of these circles. Attach your triangle (top of the hat) to the smaller cardboard circle as shown with hot glue
Step 5
On the larger cardboard circle attach material to make the brim.
Step 6
Stuff the top of the fabric with plastic bags. Slip the larger cardboard circle over the smaller cardboard circle as shown. Decorate with any ribbon or other materials!

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