If you are the kind of person who likes to do it themselves, we are sure that kits are highly attractive when attempting to build a pergola, gazebo, carport or other structure on your property. It is important that you have carefully considered all of the available materials to ensure that you are picking one that is appropriate for your home and that you feel comfortable working with. In this article, we have covered everything that you need to know about steel pergola kits.
What sort of steel is used in pergola construction?
As with steel that is used in roofing applications, when used in the construction of a pergola frame it needs to be protected from rust and corrosion. This can be achieved with a 100% zinc coating (which is often referred to as galvanised steel) or a zinc-aluminium combination coating (which is often known commercially as Zincalume or Galvalume). The steel can also be powdercoated with paint and then baked, both for the added visual appeal and to provide a much wider range of colour options.
What are the advantages of building steel pergolas?
There are actually a number of advantages associated with the selection of a steel pergola kit. Timber will quickly deteriorate in areas that see a lot of damp weather or rising ground water, whereas metal will not deteriorate with time or exposure. It also provides the structure with a lot more strength than timber and reduces the risk of it catching alight should a bushfire occur. In some bushfire prone areas, it is actually a requirement of the local council that non-flammable materials be used in outdoor areas.
Another advantage of using steel is that it is far more weatherproof than timber, providing that the galvanised coating remains intact. It also takes paint quite easily and is highly difficult to damage – in most cases, only large impacts will make any kind of dent. Whilst steel is more expensive than timber, it requires less maintenance and will last far longer. Some homeowners don’t like metal, as they prefer the natural appearance of timber, but it is important to note that this can be achieved with other treatments.
How are these pergolas installed or constructed?
Pergolas with a steel frame are erected in much the same way as one with a timber frame. The poles are aligned and concreted into place, then the beams are bolted to these poles and affixed to the house (only if the structure is being built up against the house). The battens are then bolted or screwed to the beams. It is important to note that there may be differences in the types of bolts and screws that you will require (due to the differing thicknesses of the steel), but if you have purchased a kit everything will be provided.
We hope that you now have a much better understanding of what steel pergola kits actually are and how they can benefit your home. Whilst there is nothing wrong with a traditional timber construction, it is important to note that it will require considerable maintenance to keep it looking its best and it will not last as long. This is why we heartily recommend that you build your pergola from steel, as this will ensure its longevity and attractiveness.
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