I was in charge of coming up with arts and crafts for Girls Camp for my church this summer. On Day 3 we embellished wood bracelets using Mod Podge and DIY Bangles. This is seriously the easiest project to make and perfect for a large group with limited craft skills.
Fabric Covered Bangles {make a bracelet}
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Materials to Embellish 1 Bracelet:
- Wood Bangle Bracelet ~ I bought the 1″ flat bangle at DIY Bangles
- Mod Podge
- Foam Brush
- 2″ x 10.52 Strip of Fabric
- Scissors
- Black Paint
Step 2
Cut 1/2
Step 3
Use the foam brush to paint the Mod Podge sparingly onto the fabric not the wood bangle. If you paste it onto the frame the wood frame will absorb the glue and the fabric will bubble up. Use the glue sparingly as it just needs to get a little damp. A lot of glue will take a long time to dry and make a mess. So make sure the girls know that a little goes a long way.
Step 4
Have the girls brush on the Mod Podge on the entire fabric piece, especially the sides. If they do it all at once it makes it easier later. If they decide to only do the inside and not the outside slits ~ it doesn
Step 5
Wrap the damp fabric around the bangle. You can cut the extra fabric at the end if you
Step 6
The trickiest part of this craft is getting the sides of the paper to stick properly.
When gluing the sides, do adjacent sides of the bangle as the same time. For instance, hold down the inside and the outside of the bracelet and hold for 45 seconds to give the Mod Podge time to dry. If the fabric comes back up then hold it down for 15 more seconds. Rotate the bracelet a bit and repeat. Encourage the girls to just be patient.
Step 7
Once the fabric is dried, we had the girls take the bangle up to the main table and the YCL
Step 8
This is what the finished bracelets will look like! Aren
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