It would seem that could be easier? By flipping a couple Jour on Chekov, to study at recent fashion trends, authoritative opinions designers tie scarf and everything! Audi on to, not the worst effect can be achieved by means of their own experiments and fashion show in front of a mirror. And in this case we will be happy to can. Your wildest imagination in combination with various techniques of tying a scarf with at bodied give the most unexpected result.
The choice for Fengbay scarf – a very difficult task. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as the combination of on colors and textures to the rest of clothing, the color of the face as well as a tee form your figure. For example, if you have the on m pear shape, that is, you have narrow shoulders and wide hips, the selection is better to stop on a bulk scarf. If you are not of high growth, long, freely decaying ends of the (Fengbay) scarf you visually add a few inches.
Before you jump to the video lessons on tying scarves at the neck, a few tips from Xenia Calm will be very helpful. So, it is very important to appreciate the natural features of the structure of your neck. If you have a thin neck, then you can safely build in this area luxurious bows, rosettes of scarf and wear short scarves tied in a simple knot. But if the neck is too much for l to me, it is not necessary to extend it further designs.
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