If you struggle getting decent pictures for your products, you’re definitely not alone. Many people open shop in popular places like ebay and etsy to sell their handmade items. Problem is if they take bad pictures, the products don’t sell. People want to see the item for what it is. Pretty backgrounds look nice but if it distracts from the item, you’re not doing yourself any favors!
Here’s an easy to make your own light box for product photos.
Improve Your Photos – DIY Light Box
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$25 to $50
1-2 Hours
-- | -- | -- |
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- Elmer's white foam board ( $4.99 Walmart )
- White poster board ( $0.99 Walmart )
- 24 inch fluorescent light ( $10.99 Walmart)
- Duct Tape
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
For the foam board, you get two 20×30 pieces. Cut them both in half to get four 15×20 pieces. Three pieces make up the sides and bottom.
Step 2
The fourth piece I cut into three more pieces to support the top and back. All the pieces have been assembled together using regular duct tape.
Step 3
The poster board is attached to the front-bottom and the top-back to make a seamless background. Leave an opening on the top for the light.
Caddie Hart says
Ahhh brilliant! I need this! Thanks!!