Blogs are always an excellent way to get inspired. When it comes to travel, blogs always motivate a little more. Because there are so many travel blogs around, we have compiled the best for people who are ageing. These blogs are written by seniors for seniors, so you know they hit the mark. You may be familiar with some but we assure you there are some hidden gems in the mix.
What we do know is, if you’re looking for some great travel advice, you can find it here. Ideas, inspiration and more. Hopefully, you will be as inspired by reading these blogs as we are!
Boomeresque is run by Suzanne, a self-proclaimed “recovering lawyer”. This isn’t your typical blog as it takes on an unusual and fun form that isn’t seen in other blogs on this list. Suzanne is pretty funny and often refers to her husband as Mr Excitement. She also loves input from readers and overall engagement. Check it out!
Practical, ethical and fun, what more could you want? Women on the Road is run by Leyla who wanted to share her stories and advice with others. She has a wealth of lifetime experience garnered from years and years of travel. Not only does she have plenty of knowledge, but she can also write. If you want a few tips before you head overseas, this is the blog for you.
Elizabeth Grey and her husband Gary have spent the last four years driving a caravan around the world. They have visited almost 50 countries in the process and documented it all. The appropriately named Global Travellers are true adventuring seniors who recently travelled Australia.This blog goes into great detail and will have you coming back for more.
This is another blog about a couple who are taking advantage of life after retirement by travelling the world. The Gypsy Nesters are a couple roaming from country to country with little or no responsibility. What does this mean? It means they make a lot of people jealous. This blog is regularly updated and full of juicy information for readers.
Senior Nomads has a great story behind it and came from a passing suggestion made by a daughter to her parents. Now, this blog is an epic place where two people tell the story of their travels. Michael and Debbie Campbell are living the dream and letting you come along for the ride. They tell of their cost-cutting tips and provide useful information about each place they visit. They also have fun along the way.
Inka Piegsa-Quischotte is the Glamour Granny first and a freelance travel writer second. She created her blog with the idea of inspiring, and she has accomplished that goal. If you want some inspiration around the house, Better Caring offer great care support workers that work around your lifestyle. She gives that inspiration to seniors around the world who want to embark on travels but don’t quite know where to start. As the Glamour Granny, you can expect her to be witty and insightful.
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