Today I am sharing what I think is the cutest way to utilize patriotic printables – printed on burlap!! I love burlap. Its cute, its old-fashioned, its cheap, and its versatile. To me it just creates a more homey atmosphere, so I use it whenever I can in my decorating. This tutorial will show you a really easy -and adorable- way you can decorate with burlap – you won’t believe how simple it is!
Print on burlap {how-to} + burlap mini bunting -Fourth of July!
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$1 to $25
30 Minutes
-- | -- | -- |
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- My patriotic printables - you can download them at the tutorial link
- Inkjet Printer and Paper
- Burlap fabric
- Jute twine
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun and glue
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Once you have gathered your supplies, spread out your burlap on your work surface. In this case, mine was my kitchen table, so please ignore the food crumbs! First you are going to lay your computer paper (8.5×11″) over your burlap.
Step 2
Next, trace around your computer paper with a marker. I recommend putting newspaper down first, unless you think your dining room table would look better with permanent marker on it.

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