Remember that feeling in school when you walked in and realized that you forgot a project was due? Pure panic in the bottom of your gut?! Yeah, that happened to me today, but it wasn’t my homework, it was my daughter’s for preschool. We were supposed to make a planet this weekend out of paper mache or styrofoam, and I totally spaced.
To make matters worse she was too sick to stay at school, so we left and headed straight for a quick stop at Michael’s. Thank goodness for my iphone, where I quickly googled ‘how to make a planet’. One of the first ones that popped up used an old CD or DVD as the ‘rings’. Perfect! I then had to google which planets have rings. (Yeah…I am seriously going to suck at helping with homework when she gets older.) I showed Lila, and she liked the colors of Saturn, bingo!
So if you ever find yourself needing to make an intergalactic project, all you need is a 4-inch styrofoam ball, some paint (we used Crayola), a toothpick, a CD or DVD, and some hot glue. Oh, and if you have a little diva…might want to throw in some glitter.
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