This Twisty Bun Hair Tutorial is perfect for the Spring and Summer Months. One of the great things about this hair style is that it can be dressed up or down and can be used for day time or evening and it’ll keep you cool and looking fabulous!
Twisty Bun Hair Tutorial
Difficulty | Cost | Time | Age | Person | Event |
$0 or Free
30 Minutes
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Girls Night Out
Inspired From:
You Will Need...
- bobby pins, pony tail holder, hairspray
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Step 1: First, split the hair in half. On one side, start twisting all the hair. Twist the other side, then tie together with an elastic. (If this step is hard for you, you can use a topsy tail to flip the hair under itself to create a similar look)
Step 2
further steps:

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