Sprinkles make everything better, right?! Learn how to make sprinkles and decorate desserts with sprinkles. Guaranteed to knock your socks off! These recipes using sprinkles teach you how you can make any type of dessert sprinklicious from cakes, cupcakes, cookies, cake pops, milkshakes to sandwiches. Everyone feels more special with a homemade treat and they always taste better too! {{wink}}
The Tip Junkie Creative Community has 86 Sprinkles Recipes with pictured tutorials if youre looking for more fun snacks and treats.
Cake Sprinkles
1. Sprinkle Cake Topper ~ This cake topper is two cute! You can learn how to make your own adorable cake topper from almond bark and candy sprinkles.
2. Pink Vanilla & Sprinkles Cake ~ Decorate a scrumptious homemade vanilla cake with sprinkles. So simple yet so stunning!
3. Sprinkles & Metallic Mini Cake ~ How to quickly decorate a mini cake made from fondant, painted with edible metallic paint and sprinkles.
4. Cake with Homemade Sprinkles ~ I made this cake for Mothers day but its also great for weddings and anniversaries. Its a 2-tiered chocolate and vanilla cake covered in marshmallow fondant and homemade jumbo heart sprinkles.
Sprinkles for Cupcakes
5. Dipped Vanilla Sprinkle Cupcakes ~ Because sprinkles make everything better, add them to homemade cupcakes. They’re homemade French vanilla cupcakes filled with pudding filling and topped with vanilla swiss meringue buttercream frosting.
6. Cupcake-Stuffed Strawberries ~ Cupcake-stuffed strawberries. Strawberries filled with all of the essentials of a cupcake, dipped in white chocolate, then topped with sprinkles.
Cookie Sprinkles
7. Smores Pops ~ Heres a smores recipe with a twist ~ Smores Pops! This recipe lets you enjoy the sweet taste of smores without the campfire. Christi from Love From the Oven created these for Tip Junkie and we LOVE them. And her.
8. Chocolate Sprinkle Sandwich Cookies ~ These are super delicious chocolate cookies that end with a touch of fun when you add the sprinkles.
9. Chewy Sugar Cookie Sprinkles ~ Delicious chewy sugar cookies with added sprinkles to make them more fun and colorful!
Edible Decorations
10. Chocolate Fairy Bread Hearts ~ You’ll be the coolest mom around if you served a pretty heart bread like this. Chocolate spread and sprinkles, who could resist?
11. Oreo Truffle Pops ~ Oreo Truffle Pops that are dipped in rich chocolate and covered with sprinkles for a celebration. It aint a party without SPRINKLES! Simple treat that the kiddos will love!
12. Cake Batter Milkshakes ~ A delicious milkshake with Funfetti cake mix. Don’t forget to decorate the glass with sprinkles too!
13. Double Glazed Funfetti Donuts ~ Funfetti donuts made from a box of funfetti cake mix. They are double glazed with a layer of vanilla glaze and then a second layer of white frosting.
14. Sprinkle-licious Breakfast ~ This cute sprinkle themed breakfast would be perfect for any sleepover! Sprinkles on donuts and sprinkles on milk bottles. If you adore the sprinkles on the jars just as much as I do theres a tutorial to learn how. {{wink}}
15. Giant Brownie Cake Pop Cake ~ This post literally made me laugh out loud. With cake pops and brownie pops being all the rage right now, who wouldnt want a cake-sized cake pop?! With an actual dowel for a stick, that is one big bite-sized dessert {haha}.
16. Popsicle Brownies ~ These adorable popsicles are actually brownies on a stick, frosted to look like popsicles. These would be super fun for kids to decorate during a party. And just as much fun to eat when they are done!
17. Birthday Cake Popcorn ~ Isnt this a fun and fabulous birthday cake alternative? Guess what, cake mix is used in the recipe. You can still have your cake and eat it too!
18. Cake Batter & Sprinkles Pretzels ~ Set out the ingredients to make chocolate covered pretzels and let the kids decorate them with festive sprinkles and sugars. A fun edible craft for the kids for any holiday and a great treat to share with party guests.
How to Make Sprinkles
19. Sprinkles Custom Colors ~ Create your own custom colored sprinkles with food coloring. The color choices are endless when you make your own.
20. Homemade Heart Sprinkles ~ Sprinkles are so over-priced! Plus, they taste very chalky. The best thing to do is make your own homemade jumbo heart sprinkles or confetti sprinkles. They are very easy to make with only a few ingredients!
21. Homemade Sprinkles {tutorial} ~ Did you know you can make your own sprinkles!? Now you can customize the perfect color for you baking needs, plus this would be a fun project to make with the kids. Youve probably got all the ingredients you need right in your cupboard.
Thanks Ladies! I just adore these ideas! Feel free to grab my I was featured on Tip Junkie blog button. You earned it! {knuckle bumps}
More Crafty Food Recipes:
- 27 Easy Popcorn Recipes and Printable Boxes
- 12 Easy Recipes with Nutella
- 52 Amazing Birthday Cake Recipes {for boys, girls adults}
- 19 Best Gluten Free Dessert Recipes
- 11 How to Make Donuts
Also, dont forget to check out the Tip Junkie Facebook page for even more crafts, activities for kids, creative ideas, and free tutorials. It’s a great place to ask questions on how to make things or for specific tutorials that you are looking for. I’ll be happy to find them for ya!
Creating Memories that Endure,
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