I want to thank Stephanie over at Hair Today for submitting her tip on Organizing Little Girl Hair Accessories. This is truly inspiring and easy to keep up!
Stephanie purchased an over-the-door shoe holder from Wally’s (the cheap one, it is the only one that is see through) and then separated the accessories by color. She then used two baggies, one for the clips and one for the ribbons. Depending on what she’s doing with hair that day, she just pulls out the proper baggies and it makes putting them away easier as well.
Elastics posed another problem. Stephanie hated rummaging through a huge tote of elastics. Buy them pre-sorted and then put them into a sectioned tackle box did the trick.
I want to thank Stephanie for submitting her tip on organizing little girl hair accessories! What a great idea! You can also check out her Hair Blog for pictures of fun hair do’s.
I love your bolgs! You are so talented. Thank you so much for sharing all your Ideas and puting other peoples ideas up! You amaze me!
Wow, I very much needed this tip! Thanks!
I know, I have 3 boys and my heart broke a little when I posted this. Oh how I would love to do this for my daughter. I know I’d go crazy with bows and shoes!
Good thing I don’t have a girl! Or is it??? *B
Wow, what a great idea. Fortunately my daughter doesn’t have nearly that many hair things…..yet.