I’m honored to call Kim a friend that I’ve met through blogging and our combined passion to promote women and beautiful things. She’s absolutely fantastic and has such a fun personality. One of the many things I love about Kim is that she’s real and she tells you like it is. I absolutely adore that about her!
1. Not that an introduction is necessary, but would you kindly introduce yourself to the Tip Junkies?
Hi Im Kim. I love all things creative, but only want to try the easy projects. 😉 If it takes too much reading or too much time, forget it! I love decorating my home with new found bargains, love scrapbooking every moment of my sons life and have recently found a new passion with photography. If my husband wasnt so laid back, Im sure Id drive him crazy with all my projects.
2. Who or what was your inspiration to start blogging?
I have to admit that I didnt really get this whole blogging thing in the beginning. Then I started reading them. 😉 I started my personal one for a place to show my creative side and document family life. I loved finding other blogs with women who had so much creative talent. I soon craved more and more. All within 5 minutes, I created Todays Creative Blog because I knew there were others out there just like me .always on the hunt for more.
3. How long have you been blogging?
It will be 3 yrs in April for my personal blog and 2 yrs in April for Todays Creative Blog.
4. If you had to describe your blog in less than 15 words how would you do it?
Supporting women and all things creative. A place to come for inspiration.
5. What do you think the most rewarding qualities of blogging are?
I would have never imagined meeting so many wonderful women, let alone in thinking that they are my friends. Cruising so many creative blogs has inspired me daily. My best reward is when a featured blogger is so excited to be featured. I love that!
6. Conversely, what are the most frustrating aspects of blogging?
The most frustrating?……..when someone doesnt acknowledge theyve been featured ..can you imagine? Actually, I think trying to find the time a feature deserves on a daily basis is frustrating. I also get frustrated with not being able to comment back to my readers. I love reading tags, but find it frustrating to receive them. I usually cant answer it right away, then I feel so guilty .or is it frustrated? 😉
7. Who is your current blog crush? Be honest, I know you have one. {{wink}}
Well besides you Laurie, I think my crush is on Becky Novacek and Cathy Zielske. These woman are the perfect combination to my personality. Love those two ..even though Cathy never acknowledged her feature. 😉
8. Have you ever experienced Blenvy (blog envy)? How did you deal with it?
Hmmm I guess there may be moments that I might be envious of blogs that get a ton of comments. Most my readers are anxious to pop over to the featured blogger and just forget about little ole me. J But then I remember the real world and Im fine.
9. What have you done to improve your stats or market your blog this past year?
Should I be doing something? I am horrible at researching things like this. I never set out to make my blog a success. I have joined Delightful Blogs and Technorati lately.
10. What keeps you motivated to keep blogging?
The hunt for inspiration and of course the readers.
11. Being featured on your blog is quite a badge of honor. What are you looking for in a blog to feature?
When I find something on a blog that I am instantly green over, it goes right into my FFF file (future feature file) Or when something completely knocks my socks off with creative talent. It also helps if they look nice. 😉
12. What are a few of the blogging tools you use to run your blog?
Tools? That sounds too complicated.
13. Do you have any suggestions for other bloggers or any success secret?
YES! So glad you asked ..of course this is only my opinion. I love photos, I think there should be photos on every post. Generally Im not a fan of music on a blog, even though I have enjoyed a few songs here and there. But its the first thing I turn off. Comment! Everyone loves comments.
14. What is your next big goal?
For blogging? Or life? Sadly I dont have any goals or expectations for Todays Creative Blog other than to keep growing. Id love to triple my readership. Id also love to meet a few of my local features or readers. My life? I would love to have all my cupboards obsessively organized, especially in my scrap room.
15. You have so many, but can you share a couple of your favorite blog posts?
I couldnt possibly choose a favorite post, because that would require me to go back and search. I love them all! I try not to write a post if Im feeling obligated or unmotivated. I like to have fun when I write.
Thank you so much Kim! You are a constant inspiration and your blog is full of the most beautiful eye candy. If you’re not already getting Kim’s blog update in your e-mail, you are missing out!! (Just go to her blog and type in your e-mail address.) You’ll want to start your morning with her beautiful finds.
It totally did! I realized that as we were e-mail back and forth. I’m such a loser! “L”
I sound so nice don’t I?
Thank you Laurie for thinking I was worthy of your “Talk to me Tuesdays”……but in my defense, your email with the questions said “Talk to me Thursdays” 🙂
That’s why I was late.
Oops! I goofed… I meant TIP JUNKIE, one of my favourite blogs, featured another of my favourite blogs – Today’s Creative Blog, of course!
Sorry, Laurie!
Yay!!! TCB, one of my favourite blogs featured another of my favourite blogs – how perfect is THAT!?
Great job, Laurie – and yahoo to Kim!
Keep up the incredible work, Ladies!
Love you both!
Great feature! I agree with no music on sites… that drives me crazy! As well, pictures are a must. Love to see comments on a blog too! Make the blogging experience way more social and interactive!