Hey Fabulous Ladies,
I just can’t stop thinking about you these days. You’ve been on my mind constantly and I’ve been wondering all kinds of things about you. Like do you read Tip Junkie to be inspired (cuz you’re crafty) or to learn (cuz you wanna be crafty)?
It’s also come to my attention (from friends in real life) that many of you aren’t bloggers. What?!? This is completely new news to me as I just assumed that all of you are blog-jogging your way around the net and know the ropes.
Therefore, I’ve come up with a way that we can all get better acquainted. After all, what’s a Tip Junkie if she’s not giving you what you really want! {{I mean really. Geeze.}}
I hope you’ll all participate and especially the regular and loyal readers who have been with me for years. Tip Junkie has evolved a bit and I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions. {{hugs to all who fill out the survey}}
Thank you dearly,
P.S. After you “submit” your info – the page will look gray. Just scroll up and you’ll be able to see the link to view the results if you’d like.
Beverly Saladino says
Wasn’t God good to give us the gift of creativity?
Tonia says
Missouri wasn’t on your list so I marked Arkansas since it’s the closet to where we live.
erink says
Missouri isn’t a choice for state…just marked Illinois cause it is closest!
Barbara says
I love learning about new trends and ideas.
Lynn Mercurio says