We are continuing our How to Blog series with a fun little quiz, WordPress versus Blogger. What type of blogging platform you use really depends on what kind of blog you have, where you want it to go, and overcoming the fear of having a WordPress Blog. Today we’re going to help you discover if your dream blog should use Blogger.com or WordPress.org (self-hosted).
WordPress vs. Blogger
Remember taking those test in your favorite teen magazines years ago? The ones that told you who you should be dating? Who was your dream guy? Today you will be taking the ultimate blog quiz!
Should your dream blog use WordPress or Blogger? Mark down your answers and find out your results at the end.
1) Are you going to use your blog to earn money?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
2) Do you want to promote your current business?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
3) Are you willing to learn more to grow your blog?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
4) Are you willing to invest $70 per year in your blog?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
5) Do you want full control of how your blog looks?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
6) Do you want your blog to have all the bells & whistles?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I dont know.
Time to Score
This test is one of the easiest to score. If you circled even one (A) then your dream blog is a self-hosted WordPress blog.
Join Us Next Week
In the next month we will talk more about why these answers lead to WordPress and how to build your dream blog. Join me in the following weeks while we discuss:
- Why WordPress is better for building an income blog.
- The myths of WordPress.
- Tools you will want while working with WordPress in the following weeks.
I hope you will join me through this three part series to learn more about blogging.
How to Blog Series
- 5 Facts that WordPress is Made for Building Income
- The Myths of WordPress
- Starting a Blog: 8 Things to Consider When Starting Out
What kind of blog do you have? Have you considered a WordPress Blog? What has stopped you from getting a WordPress Blog?

I have blogger… so I am totally interested in what you have to say about wordpress! Can’t wait!! 🙂
I will be talking more about hosting and cost. I will be sharing some resources on transferring your blog. I will also be talking about installing WordPress and how it is actually pretty easy, especially if you choose the right host.
I’ve actually done a series on finding hosting, if your wanting to jump into some research right away I talk about how to research hosting companies.
I hope you will join us for the rest of this series I think it will really help you.
I had not heard about the issue with the picture uploading, but that doesn’t surprise me as Google is focusing on developing Google+ right now and that community has unlimited uploads it may be taxing their servers.
I bet if you name some of your favorite gadgets I could share with you a equivalent wordpress plugin or one that is even better. WordPress has an amazing community developers behind it that love making state of the art gadgets. Most of the gadgets on Blogger are probably just copies of WordPress Plugins.
And you can take your followers with you. You can have a Google Friends on WordPress also. I believe I will be sharing a resource for learning how to transfer them.
I am also on Blogger. I chose it because then you don’t have to pay for hosting. And with WordPress you have to install it and host it. But I am planning on moving to WordPress in the future because there are so many more gadgets there.
Currently I am on BLOGGER. But I have been thinking about switching to (maybe) WordPress. I have SO much trouble lately with uploading pictures on blogger..it irritates me to NO end. I DID answer one question with yes so according to your survey I should change to WP. BUT I would miss so many gadgets then! My followers for one. Who knows, maybe you can convince me to DO change…but till then I am still on blogger 🙂
Greetings from Marian