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Next up in the Tip Junkie awards are birthday ideas. This was a tough category because I hosted a 13 Day Birthday Bash and featured tons of amazing ideas.
Here are the nominees for Best Birthday Idea:
Heather Ann made these King for a Day cupcakes I thought were amazing!
Your Homebased Mom celebrates with several traditions. My favorite is after being awakened with a song the birthday person gets to jump through their doorway, tearing down crepe paper.
April submitted her Willy Wonka birthday party. What a fun theme idea!
I’m also seriously impressed with this birthday banner! Look at the dangling pictures. This would be such a fun birthday tradition to start in your family. Who wouldn’t feel extra special with this fab banner?
Amy thew a Twin Thing (One and Thing Two) Shower. I thought it was a great theme idea and you could do it as a birthday party as well. I found her through Jen – The Hostess with the Mostess.
Melissa submitted her Sweet Shoppe Birthday party. This is her daughter’s Tea for 2 with a candy theme. WOW! I really love the picture cards placed in the middle of the plates. And flower cones on the light fixture! I’ve got to find an excuse to do that.
YOU have complete control who wins, so cast your vote now!
The Winner Will Receive:
A painting worth up to $50 from Initial Designs. Above are a couple examples. 😉
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Thanks for the nomination, Laurie! I’m glad to be included with such great ideas. I’m planning Emma’s third birthday party Saturday, so this excitement will help carry me through a busy week of preparations. Thanks so much!
Thanks for posting these! I just love your blog. It is so great!!!!
Great party ideas!