I am getting serious about featuring creative women ~ all women, not just bloggers. So it’s time to take “Tip Me Tuesday“ to the next level. Let the SHARING begin! Tip Junkie is on a grand mission to unite 1 million happy crafters and I’ve found an easier and better way to spread the word about YOUR homemade projects. Wanna know how?
It’s all about reciprocity, baby. Do you know that over 48 million people have visited Tip Junkie? Yep. That means that when you share blog links and upload photos ~ I am able to promote you. {fabulous} I believe in giving credit where credit is due, so when I feature you, I will only use 1 photo and always link directly to your blog post. Only share what you want the world to see, ‘cuz chances are, they will! {giggle}
“A rising tide lifts all boats.” ~ John F. Kenndy
P.S. I know it’s Wednesday ~ Please accept my aplogies for the delay. I was stuck in an aiport as my flights were delayed, then cancelled, then re-booked. It took me days to get home. {frown}
Let the WORLD be inspired by what YOU have made, bookmark YOUR ideas here on Tip Junkie, and let me send lots of readers YOUR way. Ready to play?
Two Ways To Share Your Projects
There are 2 ways for me to promote you, right now! Yep, this very minute… Share your blog post or Upload Pictures onto the Creative Community Facebook page and Linky Parties. Feel free to do both ~ every day. {I would!}
1. Add it to My Facebook Page
Tip Junkie’s Creative Community on Facebook is the most immediate way to spread the word about your creative tips, and homemade projects. Post to the FB Wall any homemade project like a craft, DIY home decor, party you hosted, a recipe, free file, or fun tip. {family-friendly}
The majority of Tip Junkie readers are not bloggers ~ they are on Facebook just waiting for you to share your amazing ideas with them. So help a creative girl out, and upload your pictures and add your blog links directly to them! {snicker}
Click “status” or “post” if you want your blog link to auto-populate with an image and description. Or if you want a big pretty image then click “photo / video” ~ just be sure to leave your blog link and a description. Either way once you click the “post” button Tip Junkie’s world-wide and I can SHARE and LIKE your fabulous ideas.
Add your blog links and upload photos from your camera phone to share EVERY DAY on Facebook with us. I will still be featuring you on Facebook and all social networks, but the best part is that OTHER publishing companies will be able to find you quicker too. {group hug!}
2. Link Up via Topic
To bring you more readers and more ways to be featured {by Tip Junkie, magazines, and other blogs} we’re creating link up’s via TOPIC. This is GREAT because these topics will stay live forever and become an incredible resource! {shoot yeah, baby}
The following is the list of ideas {or themes} which I am looking for NOW and will be featuring soon.
** New **
- ♥ Cleaning Tips {homemade cleaners, checklist}
- ♥ Summer Fun List {bucket list, things to do this summer}
- ♥ Staycation or Vacation or Travel tips for families
- ♥ Family Rules or House Rules
1. Father’s Day Ideas {recipes, crafts, activities, printables}
2. Boredom Buster activities for kids
3. Homemade Gifts to Make
4. Birthday Party Ideas
5. Free Printables {all occasions}
6. DIY Decorating for the Home
7. Babies, Kids, Tweens, and Teens Ideas
9. Crochet, Knitting, Quilting, and Needlework
10. Free Sewing Patterns and Tutorials
11. Creative Sandwich and Lunch Ideas
12. Teacher Appreciation Ideas.
13. Graduation and End of School Year Ideas
14. Spring to Summer Scarves
15. Men’s Birthday Party Ideas
16. Creative Sandwich and Lunch Ideas
Promoting Women in Business
♥ Free Products: Giveaways from Bloggers ending before May 12, 2014
♥ Mom-preneur Shops {products}
♥ Work-at-Home Mom Services
♥ Mom-preneur Gift Guides {products via topic}
Leave a comment below or in the Facebook Creative Community if there is a specific topic or tutorial you’re looking for. I’d be happy to find it for ya ~ ‘cuz I aim to please. {knuckle bumps}
Never fear, if your blog post topic isn’t listed this week. Simply go ahead and add it to your Tip Junkie craft room. Psst, it’s better this way anyway because you don’t have to share the page with other blog links! {evil laugh} I will add more topics every Tuesday.
Don’t see your topic but have a fabulous idea to share?
add it NOW to the Creative Community on my Facebook Page!
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